# LiveEvent

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LiveEvent standardizes the API for emitting and handling events between LiveViews and LiveComponents. Instead of juggling `send/2`, `send_update/2`, `handle_info/2`, and `update/2`, now there is only one API to learn: `emit/3` and `handle_event/4`.

Please see [the docs]( for full documentation and examples.

## Usage

Simply add `use LiveEvent.LiveView` and `use LiveEvent.LiveComponent` to any LiveView or LiveComponent, respectively, to opt-in to LiveEvent's functionality.

Imagine a LiveComponent that has an `:on_selected` event assign that is raised like so:

emit(socket, :on_selected)

To handle the event on a LiveView, pass a pid to the event assign.

<.live_component module={MyComponent} id="foo" on_selected={self()}>

To handle the event on a LiveComponent, pass `{module, id}` to the event assign.

<.live_component module={MyComponent} id="foo" on_selected={{__MODULE__, @id}}>

In both cases, the event is handled by the `c:LiveEvent.handle_event/4` callback.

# On a LiveView OR LiveComponent
def handle_event(:on_selected, {MyComponent, "foo"}, _payload, socket), do: ...

## Example

defmodule MyLiveView do
  use Phoenix.LiveView
  use LiveEvent.LiveView # <-- adds lifecycle hooks

  def render(assigns) do
    <.live_component module={MyLiveComponent} id="my-component" on_selected={self()} />

  # use handle_event/4 to process events - it works on LiveViews AND LiveComponents
  def handle_event(:on_selected, {MyLiveComponent, "my-component"}, %{at: at}, socket) do
    IO.puts("Selected at #{at}")
    {:ok, socket}

defmodule MyLiveComponent do
  use Phoenix.LiveComponent
  use LiveEvent.LiveComponent # <-- adds lifecycle hooks

  def render(assigns) do
    <button phx-click="click" phx-targt={@myself}>Click me</button>

  def handle_event("click", _, socket) do
    # use emit/3 to send events
    {:noreply, emit(socket, :on_selected, %{at: DateTime.utc_now()})}

## Installation

The package can be installed
by adding `live_event` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:live_event, "~> 0.1.0"}