defmodule LiveGuard.Helpers do
@moduledoc ~S"""
Helpers module of LiveGuard.
import Phoenix.LiveView, only: [put_flash: 3, redirect: 2]
alias Phoenix.LiveView.Socket
@doc ~S"""
This function handles unauthorized LiveView lifecycle stages.
It's called when the [`allowed?/4`]( function returns `false`.
By default it will put an error flash message with text "_You don't have permission to do that!_".
`:mount` and `:handle_params` LiveView lifecycle stages needs redirect after it detected as unauthorized.
In this case by default it will redirect to the home page (`/`).
You can set a custom handler in the config:
config :live_guard, :unauthorized_handler, {MyModule, :my_handle_unauthorized}
It's called with 2 inputs, first is a `socket`, second is `is_redirect` _(boolean)_.
@spec handle_unauthorized(socket :: Socket.t(), is_redirect :: boolean()) :: Socket.t()
def handle_unauthorized(socket, false = _is_redirect),
do: put_flash(socket, :error, not_authorized_message())
def handle_unauthorized(socket, _is_redirect),
do: socket |> handle_unauthorized(false) |> redirect(to: "/")
@doc false
@spec not_authorized_message() :: binary()
def not_authorized_message(), do: "You don't have permission to do that!"