# LiveGuard
A simple package to protect the LiveView lifecycle stages such as `:mount`, `:handle_params`, `:handle_event`, `:handle_info` and `:handle_async`.
## Installation
For the latest master:
def deps do
{:live_guard, github: "FabianDaniel00/live_guard"}
For the latest release:
def deps do
{:live_guard, "~> 0.1.8"}
Then run `mix deps.get` to fetch the dependencies.
## Config
- `:current_user`
**You need to assign the current user to the socket before LiveGuard [`on_mount/4`](https://hexdocs.pm/live_guard/LiveGuard.html#on_mount/4) callback is called.**.
The default assign name for the current user is `:current_user`.
If you assign the current user as another than `:current_user` you can set in the config:
config :live_guard, :current_user, :user
- `:unauthorized_handler`
This function handles unauthorized LiveView lifecycle stages.
It's called when the [`allowed?/4`](https://hexdocs.pm/live_guard/LiveGuard.Allowed.html#allowed?/4) function returns `false`.
By default it will put an error flash message with text "_You don't have permission to do that!_".
`:mount` and `:handle_params` LiveView lifecycle stages needs redirect after it detected as unauthorized.
In this case by default it will redirect to the home page (`/`).
You can set a custom handler in the config:
config :live_guard, :unauthorized_handler, {MyModule, :my_handle_unauthorized}
It's called with 2 inputs, first is a `socket`, second is `is_redirect` _(boolean)_.
## Usage
LiveGuard provide an `on_mount/4` callback which can be used in Phoenix LiveViews. [Read the docs](https://hexdocs.pm/phoenix_live_view/Phoenix.LiveView.html#on_mount/1).
Since this is an `on_mount/1` callback you can use it three ways:
- with [`live_session/3`](https://hexdocs.pm/phoenix_live_view/Phoenix.LiveView.Router.html#live_session/3) to protect a couple of LiveViews lifecycle stages at once:
# lib/my_app_web/router.ex
defmodule MyAppWeb.Router do
use MyAppWeb, :router
live_session :default, on_mount: LiveGuard do
# routes...
- if you want to protect LiveView lifecycle stages in every LiveViews, you can achive that with the following code:
# lib/my_app_web.ex
defmodule MyAppWeb do
# some code...
def live_view do
quote do
use Phoenix.LiveView, layout: {MyAppWeb.Layouts, :app}
on_mount LiveGuard
# some code...
- and if you want to protect an individual LiveView lifecycle stages you can achive that with the following code:
# lib/my_app_web/live/my_module_live.ex
defmodule MyAppWeb.MyModuleLive do
use MyAppWeb, :live_view
on_mount LiveGuard
def mount(_params, _session, socket) do
{:ok, socket}
# some code...
### Implementation
For now you should ask, _okay but how it will know how to protect the LiveView lifecycle stages?_
You need to implement [`allowed?/4`](https://hexdocs.pm/live_guard/LiveGuard.Allowed.html#allowed?/4) protocol functions.
The first input of `allowed?/4` function is the **user**, the second is the **LiveView module**, the third is the **LiveView lifecycle stage** and the last is **LiveView lifecycle stage inputs**. In this way you can pattern match to your needings. You can put this file anywhere but `/lib/my_app_web/live/abilities.ex` is recommended.
**It must return a boolean.**
# /lib/my_app_web/live/abilities.ex
defimpl LiveGuard.Allowed, for: User do
@before_compile {LiveGuard, :before_compile_allowed}
def allowed?(
%User{role: role},
{"delete_item", _unsigned_params, _socket}
when role in [:viewer, :customer],
do: false
# other `allowed?/4` functions...
> Note: As you can see, you don't have to define catch-all `allowed?/4` function because we used `@before_compile {LiveGuard, :before_compile_allowed}` hook. It returns `true`. This is optional.
If the user is not authenticated you can add the following implementation as below:
defimpl LiveGuard.Allowed, for: Atom do
@before_compile {LiveGuard, :before_compile_allowed}
def allowed?(nil, MyModuleLive, :handle_event, {"delete_item", _unsigned_params, _socket}),
do: false
# other `allowed?/4` functions...
### Optimization _(optional)_
By default if you use the `on_mount/4` callback of LiveGuard, it will attach hooks to attachable LiveView lifecycle stages (`:handle_params`, `:handle_event`, `:handle_info` and `:handle_async`).
If you need to protect for example only the `:handle_event` LiveView lifecycle stage for an individual LiveView module you can use this function.
You can put this file anywhere but `/lib/my_app_web/live/guarded_stages.ex` is recommended.
**It must return a list of [valid attachable LiveView lifecycle stages](https://hexdocs.pm/phoenix_live_view/Phoenix.LiveView.html#attach_hook/4) (unless `:after_render`).**
#### Example
# /lib/my_app_web/live/guarded_stages.ex
defimpl LiveGuard.GuardedStages, for: Atom do
@before_compile {LiveGuard, :before_compile_guarded_stages}
def guarded_stages(MyModuleLive), do: [:handle_event]
# other `guarded_stages?/1` functions...
In this case it will only attach hook to `:handle_event` LiveView lifecycle stage.
> Note: As you can see, you don't have to define catch-all `guarded_stages/1` function because we used `@before_compile {LiveGuard, :before_compile_guarded_stages}` hook. It returns the valid attachable LiveView lifecycle stages (`:handle_params`, `:handle_event`, `:handle_info` and `:handle_async`). This is optional.
## License
MIT License. Copyright 2023 Daniel Fabian.
## Few words from the author
[GitHub repository](https://github.com/FabianDaniel00/live_guard)
_This package is inspired by [canary](https://github.com/cpjk/canary)._