
defmodule LiveIsolatedComponent do
  @moduledoc """
  Functions for testing LiveView stateful components in isolation easily.

  import Phoenix.ConnTest, only: [build_conn: 0]
  import Phoenix.LiveViewTest, only: [live_isolated: 3, render: 1]

  alias LiveIsolatedComponent.StoreAgent

  @doc """
  Updates the assigns of the component.

      {:ok, view, _html} = live_isolated_component(SomeComponent, assigns: %{description: "blue"})

      live_assign(view, %{description: "red"})
  def live_assign(view, keyword_or_map) do
    # We need to use agents because fns are not serializable.
    # The LV will stop this agent
    {:ok, pid} = Agent.start(fn -> %{assigns: Enum.into(keyword_or_map, %{})} end)

    send(, {LiveIsolatedComponent.MessageNames.updates_event(), pid})



  @doc """
  Updates the key in assigns of the component.

      {:ok, view, _html} = live_isolated_component(SomeComponent, assigns: %{description: "blue"})

      live_assign(view, :description, "red")
  def live_assign(view, key, value) do
    live_assign(view, %{key => value})

  @doc """
  Renders the given component in isolation and live so you can tested like you would
  test any LiveView.

  It accepts the following options:
    - `:assigns` accepts a map of assigns for the component.
    - `:handle_event` accepts a handler for the `handle_event` callback in the LiveView.
    - `:handle_info` accepts a handler for the `handle_info` callback in the LiveView.
    - `:on_mount` accepts a list of either modules or tuples `{Module, parameter}`. See `Phoenix.LiveView.on_mount/1` for more info on the parameters.
    - `:slots` accepts different slot descriptors.

  ## More about slots

  For defining slots, you need to use the `slot/2` macro. If you just pass a slot
  to `:slots`, it will be taken as a default sot (`@inner_block` inside the component).

  You can also pass a map or keywords to `:slots`. In this case, the key is considered
  to be the slot name and the value, the different slots. Remember that the default slot's
  name is `inner_block`.

  For passing multiple slots for the same name, you have two options:any()

  1. You can give an array of slots as the value in the map or the keywords.
  2. You can pass the same name multiple times with different slots. This option
     is only available if you are using keywords, as this data structure preserves
     all values.
  defmacro live_isolated_component(component, opts \\ quote(do: %{})) do
    quote do
      opts = if is_map(unquote(opts)), do: [assigns: unquote(opts)], else: unquote(opts)
      test_pid = self()

      # We need to use agents because fns are not serializable.
      {:ok, store_agent} =
        StoreAgent.start(fn ->
            assigns: Keyword.get(opts, :assigns, %{}),
            component: unquote(component),
            handle_event: Keyword.get(opts, :handle_event),
            handle_info: Keyword.get(opts, :handle_info),
            on_mount: Keyword.get(opts, :on_mount),
            slots: Keyword.get(opts, :slots),
            test_pid: test_pid

      live_isolated(build_conn(), LiveIsolatedComponent.View,
        session: %{
          unquote(LiveIsolatedComponent.MessageNames.store_agent_key()) => store_agent

  @doc """
  Asserts the return value of a handle_event
  defmacro assert_handle_event_return(view, return_value) do
    quote do
      view_pid = unquote(view).pid


      assert_receive {unquote(LiveIsolatedComponent.MessageNames.handle_event_result_message()),
                      ^view_pid, unquote(return_value)}

  @doc """
  Asserts that a given handle event has been received.

  Depending on the number of parameters, different parts are checked:

  - With no parameters, just that a handle_event message has been received.
  - With one parameter, just the event name is checked.
  - With two parameters, both event name and the parameters are checked.
  - The optional last argument is the timeout, defaults to 500 milliseconds

  If you just want to check the parameters without checking the event name,
  pass `nil` as the event name.
  defmacro assert_handle_event(view, event \\ nil, params \\ nil, timeout \\ 500) do
    event = if is_nil(event), do: quote(do: _event), else: event
    params = if is_nil(params), do: quote(do: _params), else: params

    quote do
      view_pid = unquote(view).pid


      assert_receive {unquote(LiveIsolatedComponent.MessageNames.handle_event_received_message()),
                      ^view_pid, {unquote(event), unquote(params)}},

  @doc """
  Refutes that a given handle event has been received.

  Depending on the number of parameters, different parts are checked:

  - With no parameters, just that a handle_event message has not been received.
  - With one parameter, just the event name is checked.
  - With two parameters, both event name and the parameters are checked.
  - The optional last argument is the timeout, defaults to 500 milliseconds

  If you just want to check the parameters without checking the event name,
  pass `nil` as the event name.
  defmacro refute_handle_event(view, event \\ nil, params \\ nil, timeout \\ 500) do
    event = if is_nil(event), do: quote(do: _event), else: event
    params = if is_nil(params), do: quote(do: _params), else: params

    quote do
      view_pid = unquote(view).pid


      refute_receive {unquote(LiveIsolatedComponent.MessageNames.handle_event_received_message()),
                      ^view_pid, {unquote(event), unquote(params)}, _},

  @doc """
  Asserts that a given handle_info event has been received.

  If only the view is passed, only that a handle_info is received is checked.
  With an optional event name, we check that too.
  The third argument is an optional timeout, defaults to 500 milliseconds.
  defmacro assert_handle_info(view, event \\ nil, timeout \\ 500) do
    event = if is_nil(event), do: quote(do: _event), else: event

    quote do
      view_pid = unquote(view).pid


      assert_receive {unquote(LiveIsolatedComponent.MessageNames.handle_info_received_message()),
                      ^view_pid, unquote(event)},

  @doc """
  Asserts that a given handle_info event has not been received.

  If only the view is passed, only that a handle_info is not received is checked.
  With an optional event name, we check that too.
  The third argument is an optional timeout, defaults to 500 milliseconds.
  defmacro refute_handle_info(view, event \\ nil, timeout \\ 500) do
    event = if is_nil(event), do: quote(do: _event), else: event

    quote do
      view_pid = unquote(view).pid


      refute_receive {unquote(LiveIsolatedComponent.MessageNames.handle_info_received_message()),
                      ^view_pid, unquote(event)},

  @doc """
  Macro to define slots. Accepts a map or keywords and a block.
  The block needs to return a template (use a `sigil_H`).

  The arguments can be anything and they will be passed to the slot
  as attributes. There is only one special attribute that will not
  be passed though:

  1. `let` behaves like in components, letting the component
     pass some value into the slot.

  ## Example

  > slot(let: {key, value}) do
        <h2>Title coming from assigns: <%= @title %></h2>
        <span>Key coming from let <%= key %></span>
        <span>Value coming from let<%= value %></span>

  ## Conversion

  In case you are wondering how to convert a slot in HEEX
  to the slot macro, let's do a simple conversion from a
  named slot with attributes:any()

  <:slot_name attr_1={5} attr_2="hola" let={value}>
    <span>Received value from parent component is <%= value %></span>

  For converting this, we notice three different parts:

  1. The slot name. In this case, `:slot_name`.
  2. The slot attributes. In this case, `attr_1={5} attr_2="hola" let={value}`.
  3. The slot content (or inner_block). In this case, the `span`.

  Thus, we just need to pass to the `slots` options the following value (just
  showing the keyword options to `live_isolated_component`):

    slots: [
      slot_name: slot(attr_1: 5, attr_2: "hola", let: value) do
        ~H[<span>Received value from parent component is <%= value %></span>]
  defmacro slot(args \\ quote(do: %{}), do: block) do
    {:%{}, metadata, content} =
      case args do
        {:%{}, _metadata, _content} = map -> map
        keywords -> {:%{}, [], keywords}

    {_assigns, without_assigns} = Keyword.pop(content, :assigns, quote(do: assigns))

    {let_name, without_assigns_and_let} =
      Keyword.pop(without_assigns, :let, quote(do: __inner_let))

    # Add the with block to deal with warning because of the let.
    # In LV 0.18 a warning was introduced to prevent the use of
    # variables outside the assigns:
    # This fixes this warning as it sets the value using a with block.
    block =
      Macro.prewalk(block, fn
        {:sigil_H, meta, content} ->
          {:<<>>, str_meta, [str]} = content |> hd()

          new_str =
            "<%= with #{Macro.to_string(let_name)} <- @__lic_component_slot_let__ do %>#{str}<% end %>"

          {:sigil_H, meta, [{:<<>>, str_meta, [new_str]} | tl(content)]}

        other ->

    slot_attrs = {:%{}, metadata, without_assigns_and_let}

    quote do
      |> Map.merge(%{
        __live_isolated_slot__: true,
        inner_block: fn var!(assigns) ->
          fn _changed, let_value ->
            var!(assigns) = Map.put(var!(assigns), :__lic_component_slot_let__, let_value)
