# Live Scaffolding
## Apprentice's Journey Open Source

Don't waste your time!

This project is for help you to generate the **phoenix controllers** and also **live views** too!

** This project is the upgrade for previous version of [scaffolding]( **

This was born for personal usages.

## Installation

def deps do
    {:scaffolding, git: "git://", only: [:dev]}

I have troubles using this way: `{:scaffolding, "~> 0.1.0", only: [:dev]}`, I don't know why the priv directory can't be downloaded into the scaffolding dep. Use the suggestion instead.

## How to use

### Create a phoenix controller

> mix create_controller page1

This will generate the follow output:

 :: Scaffolding Generator Done! ::

 Please update your router.ex file adding the follow line:

 >>> get "/page1", Page1Controller, :index

This command will create many files:

1. The phoenix controller: `lib/your_app_web/controllers/page1_controller.ex`
2. The eex template folder with index file: `lib/your_app_web/templates/page1/`
3. The view for your controller: `lib/your_app_web/views/page1_view.ex`

You will have to update you `router.ex` file for use your controller generated.

### Create a Phoenix Live View

*You need your Live View setup for implement this.*

> mix create_live_view page1

This will generate the follow output:

 :: Scaffolding Generator Done! ::

 Please update your router.ex file adding the follow line:

 >>> live "/page1", Page1Live

This command will create many files:

1. The live view: `lib/your_app_web/live/page1_live.ex`
2. The leex template: `lib/your_app_web/templates/page1/`
3. The view: `lib/your_app_web/views/page1_view.ex`

You will have to update you `router.ex` file for use your controller generated.