# LiveSync


LiveSync allows automatic updating of LiveView assigns by utilizing postgres replication.

## Installation

This project builds on top of PostgreSQL replication and it requires PostgreSQL 14+. You must also enable replication in your PostgreSQL instance:

ALTER SYSTEM SET wal_level='logical';
ALTER SYSTEM SET max_wal_senders='64';
ALTER SYSTEM SET max_replication_slots='64';

Then **you must restart your database**.

Add `live_sync` to the list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

  def deps do
      {:live_sync, "~> 0.1.0"}

Add a migration to setup replication (requires superuser permissions to subscribe to all tables):

  defmodule MyApp.Repo.Migrations.SetupLiveSync do
    use Ecto.Migration

    def up do
      # If you don't have superuser you can pass specific tables
      # LiveSync.Migration.up(["table1", "table2"])

    def down do

Add `LiveSync` to your supervision tree:

  * `repo` (required): The Ecto repo to use for replication.

  * `otp_app` (required): The OTP app to use to lookup schemas deriving the watch protocol.

    defmodule MyApp.Application do
      @moduledoc false

      use Application

      @impl true
      def start(_type, _args) do
        children = [
          {LiveSync, [repo: MyApp.Repo, otp_app: :my_app]}

        opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: MyApp.Supervisor]
        Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)

## Usage

For any Ecto schemas you want to watch, add the `LiveSync.Watch` derive:

  * `id` (optional): The primary key on the schema, defaults to `:id`.

  * `subscription_key` (required): The field on the schema that is used to filter messages before sending to the client.

  * `table` (optional): The table to watch, defaults to the schema's table name, if using a view you need to specify the table name

    defmodule MyApp.MyObject do
      use Ecto.Schema

      @derive {LiveSync.Watch,
                  subscription_key: :organization_id,
                  table: "objects"

      schema "visible_objects" do
        field :name, :string
        field :organization_id, :integer


Add the `LiveSync` macro to any LiveView module you want to automatically sync data:

  * `subscription_key` (required): This is the key that MUST exist in the assigns of the LiveView and is used for the subscription. This value must match what is in the schema's `@derive` attribute.

  * `watch` (required): A list of keys in assigns that should be watched. You may optionally specify a tuple with options. Schema is required for lists of objects to support inserting.

    use LiveSync,
      subscription_key: :organization_id,
      watch: [
        list_of_objects: [schema: MyApp.MyObject]

## Handling Sync Events

An optional callback can also be added to the LiveView module to handle the updated data. This callback will be called for each assign key that is watched and changed. It must return the socket with updated assigns.

  def sync(:list_of_objects, updated, socket) do
    updates =
      |> Enum.filter(&is_nil(&1.executed_at))
      |> Enum.sort_by(& &
      |> Repo.preload([...])

    assign(socket, list_of_objects: updates)