# LiveViewNative
[](https://github.com/liveview-native/live_view_native/actions) [](https://hex.pm/packages/live_view_native)
> ⚠️ LiveView Native is _prerelease software_ and not recommended for production use.
## Installation
To use LiveView Native, add it to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`.
def deps do
[{:live_view_native, "~> 0.0.7"}]
## About
LiveView Native is a platform for building native applications using [Elixir](https://elixir-lang.org/) and [Phoenix LiveView](https://github.com/phoenixframework/phoenix_live_view). It allows a single LiveView to serve a variety of clients by transforming platform-specific template code into native user interfaces. Here is a basic example:
# hello_live.ex
defmodule MyApp.HelloLive do
use Phoenix.LiveView
use LiveViewNative.LiveView
@impl true
def render(assigns) do
# render_native/1 is provided by LiveViewNative.LiveView.
# It takes care of rendering the correct .heex template
# for each platform
This allows us to define a specific template for each platform:
<% # hello_live.html.heex %>
<div id="hello-web">
<div class="text-slate-800 bg-slate-50 h-screen w-screen grid grid-cols-1 gap-1 content-center items-center text-center">
<div class="font-semibold mb-1">Hello from the web!</div>
<% # hello_live.swiftui.heex %>
<VStack id="hello-ios">
<HStack modifiers={padding(5)}>
<Text>Hello from SwiftUI!</Text>
This library provides a base SDK that allows Elixir developers to use LiveView Native within their own Phoenix projects. If you're a platform developer interested in adding native support for LiveView Native to your own client code, check out [live_view_native_platform](https://github.com/liveview-native/live_view_native_platform).
## Usage
The `live_view_native` Hex package isn't useful on its own. You also need to add any platform libraries you want your application to support. The supported platforms and their libraries are:
| Platform | Clients | Dependency |
| :-------------- | :-------------------------------- | :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| SwiftUI | iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS, tvOS | [live_view_native_swift_ui](https://github.com/liveview-native/liveview-client-swiftui) |
| Jetpack Compose | Android | [live_view_native_jetpack](https://github.com/liveview-native/liveview-client-jetpack) |
For example, if you want to support rendering LiveViews in SwiftUI, add its platform library as a dependency in your `mix.exs` file:
def deps do
{:live_view_native, "~> 0.0.7"},
{:live_view_native_swift_ui, "~> 0.0.7"}
You can add any number of platform libraries, allowing you to serve a variety of non-web clients from the same application. The list of supported platforms, along with their configuration, is defined within your application's Mix configuration:
# config.exs
import Config
# ...
# Define platform support for LiveView Native
config :live_view_native,
plugins: [
Finally, each platform has its own implementation details for connecting a native client application to a LiveView Native backend. For example, if you want to support `live_view_native_swift_ui` you'll need to [create an App in Xcode](https://liveview-native.github.io/liveview-client-swiftui/tutorials/liveviewnative/01-initial-list#Creating-the-App) and use the `LiveViewNative` Swift dependency to render a clientside [LiveView](https://liveview-native.github.io/liveview-client-swiftui/documentation/liveviewnative/liveview) that connects to your Phoenix server:
// MyApp.swift
import SwiftUI
struct MyApp: App {
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
// ContentView.swift
import SwiftUI
import LiveViewNative
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
For more information on how to configure a LiveView Native project for a specific platform, please visit the documentation page for that platform library.
## Learn more
* Official website: https://native.live
* Docs: https://hexdocs.pm/live_view_native
* Source: https://github.com/liveviewnative/live_view_native