
defmodule Lob do
  require Chacha20

  @moduledoc """
  Length-Object-Binary (LOB) Packet Encoding

  Data serialization, primarily in use by the [Telehash Project](

  @type maybe_binary :: binary | nil

  @doc """
  Decode a wire packet for consumption

  The parts are returned in a struct compliant with the specification.
  Errors reflecting improperly decoded JSON are stored in the `json` field.
  @spec decode(binary) :: Lob.DecodedPacket.t() | no_return
  def decode(<<s::size(16), rest::binary>>), do: rest |> decode_rest(s)

  @spec encode(maybe_binary | map, maybe_binary) :: binary | no_return
  @doc """
  Encode a head and body into a packet

  The packet should be usable across any supported transport.  May raise an
  exception if the payload is too large or there are encoding errors.
  def encode(head, body) when is_nil(head), do: encode("", body)
  def encode(head, body) when is_nil(body), do: encode(head, "")
  def encode(head, body) when is_binary(head), do: head_size(head) <> head <> body
  def encode(head, body) when is_map(head), do: encode(Jason.encode!(head), body)

  defp head_size(s) when byte_size(s) <= 0xFFFF, do: <<byte_size(s)::size(16)>>
  defp head_size(s) when byte_size(s) > 0xFFFF, do: raise("Head payload too large.")

  @spec decode_rest(binary, char) :: Lob.DecodedPacket.t()
  defp decode_rest(r, _s) when r == "", do: %Lob.DecodedPacket{}
  defp decode_rest(r, s) when s == 0, do: Lob.DecodedPacket.__build__(nil, nil, r)

  defp decode_rest(r, s) do
    <<head::binary-size(s), body::binary>> = r

    json =
      if s <= 6 do
        case Jason.decode(head) do
          {:ok, j} -> j
          e -> e

    Lob.DecodedPacket.__build__(head, json, body)

  # SHA256 of "telehash"
  defp cloak_key,
      <<215, 240, 229, 85, 84, 98, 65, 178, 169, 68, 236, 214, 208, 222, 102, 133, 106, 197, 11,
        11, 171, 167, 106, 111, 90, 71, 130, 149, 108, 169, 69, 154>>

  @spec cloak(binary) :: binary
  @doc """
  Cloak a packet to frustrate wire monitoring

  A random number (between 1 and 20) of rounds are applied.  This also
  serves to slightly obfuscate the message size.
  def cloak(b), do: cloak_loop(b, :rand.uniform(20))
  defp cloak_loop(b, 0), do: b

  defp cloak_loop(b, rounds) do
    n = make_nonce()
    cloak_loop(n <> Chacha20.crypt(b, cloak_key(), n), rounds - 1)

  defp make_nonce do
    n = :crypto.strong_rand_bytes(8)

    case binary_part(n, 0, 1) do
      <<0>> -> make_nonce()
      _ -> n

  @spec decloak(binary) :: Lob.DecodedPacket.t() | no_return
  @doc """
  De-cloak a cloaked packet.

  Upon success, the decoded packet will have the number of cloaking rounds unfurled
  in the `cloaked` field.
  def decloak(b), do: decloak_loop(b, 0)
  defp decloak_loop(<<0, _rest::binary>> = b, r), do: %{decode(b) | cloaked: r}

  defp decloak_loop(<<nonce::binary-size(8), ct::binary>>, r),
    do: decloak_loop(Chacha20.crypt(ct, cloak_key(), nonce), r + 1)