# lob_elixir

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Elixir library for [Lob API](

## Installation

The package can be installed by adding `lob_elixir` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:lob_elixir, "~> 1.1.2"}

## Getting Started

This library implements the Lob API. Please read through the official [API Documentation](#api-documentation) to get a complete sense of what to expect from each endpoint.

### Registration

The library requires a valid Lob API key to work properly. To acquire an API key, first create an account at []( Once you have created an account, you can access your API Keys from the [Settings Panel](

### API Key Configuration
 The library will by default refer to the `:api_key` config when making authenticated requests. If that is not present, it will look for the `LOB_API_KEY` environment variable.

# Configuring an API key with configs
config :lob_elixir,
  api_key: "your_api_key"

The `{:system, "ENV_VAR"}` syntax is also supported, allowing the API key to be fetched at runtime. For example, if the API key is stored in an environment variable named `LOB_KEY`, the library could be configured with:

# Configuring an API key with configs
config :lob_elixir,
  api_key: {:system, "LOB_KEY"}

Similarly, the library allows users to optionally configure the API version through the `:api_version` config. If that is not present, it will look for the `LOB_API_VERSION` environment variable.

# Configuring an API key and API version with configs
config :lob_elixir,
  api_key: "your_api_key",
  api_version: "2014-12-18"

### Usage

Requests return a 2-tuple or 3-tuple, depending on the response.

# Successful response
{:ok, postcards, _headers} = Postcard.list()

# Unsuccessful response
{:error, %{message: ":nxdomain"}} = Postcard.list()

# Unsuccessful response with status code
{:error, %{message: "postcard not found", status_code: 404}} = Postcard.retrieve('nonexistent_resource')

## Contributing

To contribute, please see the [``]( file.

## Testing

Tests are written using [ExUnit](, Elixir's built-in test framework.

Here's how you can run the tests:


To run tests with a coverage report:

    LOB_API_KEY=YOUR_TEST_API_KEY mix coveralls.html

Then view the report at `cover/excoveralls.html`.


Copyright © 2020

Released under the MIT License, which can be found in the repository in [`LICENSE.txt`](LICENSE.txt).