# LoggerBackendSqlite
[![Hex version]( "Hex version")](

## What is it?
LoggerBackendSqlite will allow you to save all of your logs to an sqlite3 database.

## Why is it?
This is very helpful for [Nerves]( devices which
don't always have network access, or console access.

## Usage is it?

Add logger backend ecto to your deps:

def deps do
    {:logger_backend_sqlite, "~> 2.0"},

Configure `:logger`:

use Mix.Config

config :logger, [
  utc_log: true,
  handle_otp_reports: true,
  handle_sasl_reports: true,
  backends: [:console, LoggerBackendSqlite]

config :logger, LoggerBackendSqlite,
  database: 'debug_logs.sqlite3',
  max_logs: 9000, # defaults to 1000

You can also add the backend at runtime.

iex()> {:ok, _} = Logger.add_backend(LoggerBackendSqlite)
iex()> :ok = Logger.configure_backend(LoggerBackendSqlite, database: ":memory:", max_logs: 20)

Seeing logs:

iex(1)> require Logger
iex(2)> Logger.debug "hey!!"
01:33:16.341 [debug] hey!!
iex(4)> LoggerBackendSqlite.all_logs
    application: nil,
    file: "iex",
    function: nil,
    group_leader_node: "nonode@nohost",
    id: 1,
    inserted_at: "2018-09-12 01:33:16.341631",
    level: "debug",
    line: 8,
    logged_at_dt: "2018-09-12 01:33:16Z",
    logged_at_ndt: "2018-09-12 01:33:16",
    message: "hey!!",
    module: nil,
    registered_name: nil,
    updated_at: "2018-09-12 01:33:16.341661"

## Nerves is it?
Using this on Nerves is pretty straightforward, but there is a gotcha.
Nerves devices use a read only filesystem, so you need to ensure you store
the database on a writable filesystem. You have two options.

### /tmp
`/tmp` is read write, but will be cleared _every_ boot and has a pretty
small size constraint. This can be useful if you only want a few logs from
a specific time.

### /root
`/root` is the default location for your application data. There is another
gotcha on this one, that on first boot, this partition will not be ready yet.
A simple work can be found below:

in your config.exs
  use Mix.Config
  config :logger, LoggerBackendSqlite, [
    database: "/tmp/logs.sqlite"

then in your application code somewhere:
defmodule MyApp.FileSystemCheckup do
  @database "/root/logs.sqlite"
  @check_file "/root/check"
  require Logger

  def checkup do
    case File.write(@check_file, "any ole data") do
      :ok -> Logger.configure_backend(LoggerBackendSqlite, [database: @database])
      {:error, _} ->
        Logger.warn "Application data partition not ready yet"

## Why 2.0 is it?
This is a hard fork of [logger_backend_ecto](
It is 1.0, and I didn't want any confusion that these are not the same thing, even
tho they share the same public API.