# Logger Backends JSON [![Build Status](](

Yet another (but flexible) JSON backend for Logger. Pick whatever json encoder you want (poison, json, exjsx) or provide your own.

## Roadmap

- [x] Basic functionallity, dumb IO usage, configuration and using given parsing lib.
- [ ] Proper formatting of error messages taken from `error_logger` which come in as lists
- [ ] Improve documentation on hex docs.
- [ ] Buffered & async sending messages to IO `:user` process.
- [ ] Filtering of messages via configured function in addition to log levels.
- [ ] Adding examples of custom json encoders.
- [ ] Additional switchable IO backends, i.e. TCP, UDP, File

## Installation

The package can be installed as:

  1. Add `logger_backends_json` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

    def deps do
        # your json library of choice, otherwise you will need to provide custom module.
        {:poison, "~> 3.0"},
        {:logger_backends_json, "~> 0.3.0"}

  2. Update your config

    # A tuple with module and config name to use
    config :logger, backends: [{Logger.Backends.JSON, :json}]

    config :logger, :json,
      level: :info,
      metadata: %{foo: "bar"},
      encoder: Poison

## Extra configuration

This library uses [`ConfigExt`]( for loading dynamic configuration, like environment variables or functions on runtime.

defmodule Foo do
  def bar(baz), do: %{bar: inspect(baz), env: System.get_env("APP_ENV")}

System.put_env "LOG_LEVEL", "debug"

config :logger, :json,
  level: {:system, "LOG_LEVEL", :info},
  metadata: {:function, Foo, :bar, [:baz]},
  encoder: Poison

All possible options:

- `encoder` anything that implements `encode(object) :: map|list => {:ok, json}`, we test against `poison`, `exjsx` and `json` libs.
- `level` represents log level, same as in default `Logger` - `debug, info, warn, error`.
- `metadata` additional info to pass into json, should be `Map` in the end.

In any case you can also specify a function that will get evaluated on initialization, if you need to update it during runtime - just run `Logger.configure_backend(...)`.

If you need to pass any extra info on each log, i.e. some stuff from ETS tables or whatever, you can do it by creating custom encoder and adding it there.

## Frequent issues

  1. This backend doesn't install any dependencies - it doesn't come with any default JSON encoder - so when you try to assign `Poison` as encoder, but you didn't installed it you will get a message like

    =INFO REPORT==== 16-Nov-2016::09:57:32 ===
        application: logger
        exited: shutdown
        type: temporary

    to solve it just install `:poison` (or any other json lib) by following their installation instructions, and everything should be back to good.

## Sources & inspiration

- [user process]( Erl shell workings and what is user process.
- [elixir#4720]( performance via calling user process directly.
- [elixir#4728]( performance via buffering IO and sending stuff async.
- various json loggers (i.e. `json_logger` and `logger_logstash_backend`)

## License

This source code is released under the MIT License.