# LoggerCircularBuffer
A circular buffer backend for Elixir Logger with support for IO streaming.

[![Hex version]( "Hex version")](

## Configuration

Configuring via Application config
# config/config.exs
use Mix.Config

config :logger, backends: [LoggerCircularBuffer]

config :logger, LoggerCircularBuffer, buffer_size: 100

Startng Manually
Logger.configure(LoggerCircularBuffer, buffer_size: 100)

## Usage

Get the remote console buffer
iex(node2@> LoggerCircularBuffer.get
  debug: {Logger, "8", {{2018, 2, 5}, {17, 44, 7, 675}},
     pid: #PID<0.139.0>,
     application: :example,
     module: Example,
     function: "log/1",
     file: "/home/jschneck/dev/logger_circular_buffer/example/lib/example.ex",
     line: 11
  debug: {Logger, "9", {{2018, 2, 5}, {17, 44, 8, 676}},
     pid: #PID<0.139.0>,
     application: :example,
     module: Example,
     function: "log/1",
     file: "/home/jschneck/dev/logger_circular_buffer/example/lib/example.ex",
     line: 11
  debug: {Logger, "10", {{2018, 2, 5}, {17, 44, 9, 677}},
     pid: #PID<0.139.0>,
     application: :example,
     module: Example,
     function: "log/1",
     file: "/home/jschneck/dev/logger_circular_buffer/example/lib/example.ex",
     line: 11

The buffer is stored as unformatted messages and formatting is applies to the
connected clients. You can apply formatting to the buffer afterwards like this:
iex> config = Logger,CircularBuffer.Config.init(colors: [enabled: false])
  colors: %{
    debug: :cyan,
    enabled: true,
    error: :red,
    info: :normal,
    warn: :yellow
  format: ["\n", :time, " ", :metadata, "[", :level, "] ", :levelpad, :message,
  io: :stdio,
  metadata: []
iex> {:ok, buffer} = LoggerCircularBuffer.get
  debug: {Logger, "8", {{2018, 2, 5}, {17, 44, 7, 675}},
     index: 8,
     pid: #PID<0.139.0>,
     application: :example,
     module: Example,
     function: "log/1",
     file: "/home/jschneck/dev/logger_circular_buffer/example/lib/example.ex",
     line: 11
  debug: {Logger, "9", {{2018, 2, 5}, {17, 44, 8, 676}},
     index: 9,
     pid: #PID<0.139.0>,
     application: :example,
     module: Example,
     function: "log/1",
     file: "/home/jschneck/dev/logger_circular_buffer/example/lib/example.ex",
     line: 11
  debug: {Logger, "10", {{2018, 2, 5}, {17, 44, 9, 677}},
     index: 10,
     pid: #PID<0.139.0>,
     application: :example,
     module: Example,
     function: "log/1",
     file: "/home/jschneck/dev/logger_circular_buffer/example/lib/example.ex",
     line: 11
iex>, & LoggerCircularBuffer.Client.format_message(&1, config)) |>
["\n17:51:56.680 [debug] 8\n",
 "\n17:51:57.681 [debug] 9\n",
 "\n17:51:58.682 [debug] 10\n"]

Attaching IO to the circular buffer
iex(node2@> LoggerCircularBuffer.attach

Detaching IO from the circular buffer
iex(node2@> LoggerCircularBuffer.detach