# LoggerExporter
Export your logs to the service of your choice.
I created this library because I wanted to export logs to a different service in
Heroku. There is no simple way to export your logs.
## Supported exporters:
- Loki
- Mezmo (LogDNA)
Implement your own exporter using `LoggerExporter.Exporters.Exporter` behaviour.
## Supported formatters:
- Basic
Implement your own formatter using `LoggerExporter.Formatters.Formatter` behaviour.
## Plug Logger
A plug for logging request information. It will log the method, path, params,
status and duration.
You can add it to your MyApp.Endpoint:
# Log level defaults to :info
plug LoggerExporter.Loggers.Plug
# Dynamic log
plug LoggerExporter.Loggers.Plug, log: {__MODULE__, :log_level, []}
# Disables logging for routes like /health_check
def log_level(%{path_info: ["health_check"]}), do: false
def log_level(_), do: :info
## Installation
Add `logger_exporter` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:logger_exporter, "~> 0.4.0"}
## Configuration
By default, the timestamp sent for each log to the external service is in utc: `System.os_time(:nanosecond)`
| option | description | default |
| level | The logger level to report. | `:info` |
| formatter | Allows the selection of a formatter implementation. | `LoggerExporter.Formatters.BasicFormatter` |
| metadata | Metadata to log. | `[]` |
| exporter | Allows selection of a exporter implementation. | `LoggerExporter.Exporters.LokiExporter` |
| host | The host of the service without the path. The path is inferred by the exporter. | No default. Required |
| app_name | The name of the app to use as label. | No default. Required |
| environment_name | The name of the app to use as label. | No default. Required |
| send_to_http | If set to false, the library will not make any actual API calls. This is useful for test or dev environments. | `true` |
| http_authh | See below for configuration | No default |
### HTPP Auth
Supported authentication methods:
- Basic
- Bearer
- Custom
| auth | usage | examples | result |
| basic | `{:basic, username, password}` | `{:basic, "user", "pxIsldPlwty"}` | `"Authorization: Basic CshL2XlkX57cww=="` |
| bearer | `{:bearer, token}` | `{:bearer, "WmRUuBOnTjDwP6jo3bno"}` | `"Authorization: Bearer WmRUuBOnTjDwP6jo3bno"` |
| custom | `{:header, header, value}` | `{:header, "apiKey", "dAWQvRQQkZCc2A=="}` | `"apiKey: dAWQvRQQkZCc2A=="` |
## Usage in Phoenix
1. Add the following to deps section of your mix.exs: `{:logger_exporter, "~> 0.4.0"}`
and then `mix deps.get`
2. Add `LoggerExporter.Backend` to your logger's backends configuration
config :logger,
backends: [:console, LoggerExporter.Backend]
3. Add config related to the exporter and other fields.
ie. for `LokiExporter`
config :logger, LoggerExporter,
host: "http://localhost:3100",
app_name: "my_app",
environment_name: Mix.env(),
http_auth: {:basic, System.fetch_env!("LOKI_USER"), System.fetch_env!("LOKI_PASSWORD")},
metadata: [:request_id]
4. Start the LoggerExporter GenServer in the supervised children list.
In `application.ex` add to the children list:
children [
5. (Optional) Add custom Plug logger.
In `MyApp.Endpoint` add the plug after `Plug.Parsers`.
If you see duplicate logs, remove `Plug.Telemetry` from your endpoint.
plug Plug.Parsers,
plug LoggerExporter.Loggers.Plug
## JSON Formatter Example
If you want to log in JSON format, you can use the formatter of another library:
You can configure it like this:
config :logger, LoggerExporter,
formatter: LoggerJSON.Formatters.BasicLogger
And it will work out of the box :)
## Telemetry
Telemetry integration for logging and error reporting.
There is a default logger for you to attach. It logs when the `status` is `:error`
In your `application.ex`
:ok = LoggerExporter.Telemetry.attach_default_logger()
### HTTP Post batch events
LoggerExporter emits the following events for processing each batch (sending it through http)
- `[:logger_exporter, :batch, :start]` -- starting to process the events
- `[:logger_exporter, :batch, :stop]` -- after the events is processed
- `[:logger_exporter, :batch, :exception]` -- after the events are processed
The following chart shows which metadata you can expect for each event:
| event | measures | metadata |
| ------------ | -------------- | --------- |
| `:start` | `:system_time` | `:events` |
| `:stop` | `:duration` | `:events, :status, :response` |
| `:exception` | `:duration` | `:events, :kind, :reason, :stacktrace` |
* `:events` - the list of `LoggerExporter.Event` processed
* `:status` - either `:ok` or `:error`
* `:response` - information of the response. Is a `Finch.Response` struct