# LoggerPapertrailBackend

A [Papertrail]( backend for [Elixir Logger](

## Installation

Available in [Hex]( The package can be installed as:

  1. Add `logger_papertrail_backend` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

        def deps do
          [{:logger_papertrail_backend, "~> 0.0.1"}]

  2. Ensure `logger_papertrail_backend` is started before your application:

        def application do
          [applications: [:logger_papertrail_backend]]

  3. In your `config.exs` (or in your `#{Mix.env}.exs`-files):

        config :logger, :logger_papertrail_backend,
          host: "<port>",
          level: :warn,
          system_name: "Wizard",
          format: "$metadata $message"

        config :logger,
          backends: [ :console,
          level: :debug

    * (Required) Follow "Add System" in your Papetrail dashboard to get `:host` values
    * (Optional) Set `:level` for this backend (overides global `:logger`-setting )
    * (Optional) Set specific `:system_name` in Papertrail, defaults to current application-name
    * (Optional) Set :format, defaults to `[$level] $levelpad$metadata $message`, see [Logger.Formatter](
    * Other supported options in config are `:colors`, `:metadata`. See :console-docs in [Elixir.Logger](

## Example output:

`Oct 02 14:19:04 Wizard Elixir.UpptecSlack.SlackBot:  [info]   Successfully authenticated as user "wizard" on team "Upptec"`

Papertrail sets timestamp when message arrives. `Wizard` is `:system_name`. `Elixir.UpptecSlack.SlackBot` is the module sending the log. `[Info]` is level.