# LoggerTelegramBackend

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A logger backend for [Telegram](

## Installation

Add `:logger_telegram_backend` and `:finch` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:logger_telegram_backend, "~> 3.0-rc"},
    {:finch, "~> 0.16"},

In your `Application.start/2` callback, add the `LoggerTelegramBackend` backend:

@impl true
def start(_type, _args) do

  # ...

## Configuration

First you need to create a [Telegram Bot]( Follow the [instructions here]( to create one and get the `token` for the bot. You will need to send a message first as bots are not allowed to contact users. Then retrieve your `chat_id` with `$ curl -X GET`.

Then configure the telegram `chat_id` and bot `token`:

config :logger, LoggerTelegramBackend,
  chat_id: "$chatId",
  token: "$botToken"

### Options

The available options are:

- `:level` - the level to be logged by this backend (either `:debug`, `:info`, `:warning` or `:error`).

  Note that messages are first filtered by the general `:level` configuration for the `:logger` application.

  Default: `nil` (all levels are logged)

- `:metadata` - the metadata to be included in the message. Setting `:metadata` to `:all` will get all metadata.
  Default: `[:line, :function, :module, :application, :file]`.

- `:metadata_filter` - the metadata which is required in order for a message to be logged.

  Default: `nil`

- `:client` - If you need different functionality for the HTTP client, you can define your own module that implements the `LoggerTelegramBackend.HTTPClient` behaviour and set `client` to that module.

  Default: `LoggerTelegramBackend.HTTPClient.Finch` (requires `:finch`)

- `:client_pool_opts` - The options passed to configure the pool.

  See [Finch.start_link/1](

  Default: `[]`

- `:client_request_opts` - The options passed on every request.

  See [Finch.request/3](

  Default: `[]`

### Examples

#### Custom HTTP client

1. Add a module that implements the `LoggerTelegramBackend.HTTPClient` behaviour
2. Pass your client module to the `:client` option:

   config :logger, LoggerTelegramBackend,
     client: MyClient,
     # ...

##### Hackney Client

A client based on `:hackney` could look like this:

defmodule HackneyClient do
  @behaviour LoggerTelegramBackend.HTTPClient

  @hackney_pool_name :logger_telegram_backend_pool

  @impl true
  def child_spec do
    :hackney_pool.child_spec(@hackney_pool_name, opts)

  @impl true
  def request(method, url, headers, body) do
    opts = [{:pool, @hackney_pool_name} :with_body]

    case :hackney.request(method, url, headers, body, opts) do
      {:ok, _status, _headers, _body} = result -> result
      {:error, _reason} = error -> error

#### Metadata filter

config :logger, LoggerTelegramBackend,
  chat_id: "$chatId",
  token: "$botToken",
  level: :info,
  metadata: :all,
  metadata_filter: [application: :ui]

#### HTTP proxy

config :logger, LoggerTelegramBackend,
  chat_id: "$chatId",
  token: "$botToken",
  client_pool_opts: [conn_opts: [{:http, "", 8888, []}]]

See the [Pool Configuration Options]( for further information.