
defmodule LoggerTelegramBackend do
  @moduledoc """
  A logger backend for [Telegram](

  ## Usage

  In your `c:Application.start/2` callback, add the `LoggerTelegramBackend`:

      @impl true
      def start(_type, _args) do

        # ...

  Add the following to your production configuration:

      config :logger, LoggerTelegramBackend,
        chat_id: "your_chat_id",
        token: "yout_bot_token"

  To create a Telegram bot, see the next section.

  ### Creating a Telegram bot

  To create a Telegram bot, follow the instructions [here](  and get the `token` for the bot.

  Then send a message to the bot and get your `chat_id`:


  ## Configuration

  You can configure LoggerTelegramBackend through the application environment. Configure the
  following options under the `LoggerTelegramBackend` key of the `:logger` application. For example,
  you can do this in `config/runtime.exs`:

      # config/runtime.exs
      config :logger, LoggerTelegramBackend,
        chat_id: System.fetch_env!("TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID"),
        token: System.fetch_env!("TELEGRAM_TOKEN"),
        level: :warning,
        # ...

  The basic configuration options are:

  - `:level` (`t:Logger.level/0`) - the level to be logged by this backend. Note that messages are
  first filtered by the general `:level` configuration for the `:logger` application. Defaults to
  `nil` (all levels are logged).

  - `:metadata` (list of `t:atom/0` or `:all`) - the metadata to be included in the message. `:all`
  will get all metadata. Defaults to`[:line, :function, :module, :application, :file]`.

  - `:metadata_filter` (`t:keyword/0`, may also include `t:atom/0`) - the key-value pairs or keys
  that is must be present in the metadata for a message to be sent. Defaults to `[]`. See the
  [*Filtering Messages* section](#filtering-messages) below.

  To customize the behaviour of the HTTP client used by LoggerTelegramBackend, you can use these options:

  - `:client` (`t:module/0`) - A module that implements the `LoggerTelegramBackend.HTTPClient`
  behaviour. Defaults to `LoggerTelegramBackend.HTTPClient.Finch` (requires `:finch`).

  - `:client_pool_opts` (`t:keyword/0`) - Options to configure the HTTP client pool. See
  `Finch.start_link/1`. Defaults to `[]`.

  - `:client_request_opts` (`t:keyword/0`) - Options passed to the `c:LoggerTelegramBackend.HTTPClient.request/5`
  callback. See `Finch.request/3`. Defaults to `[]`.

  ## Filtering messages

  If you would like to prevent LoggerTelegramBackend from sending certain messages, you can
  use the `:metadata_filter` configuration option. It must be configured to be a list of key-value
  pairs or keys.

  ### Examples

  - `metadata_filter: [application: :core]` - The metadata must contain `application: :core`
  - `metadata_filter: [:user]` - The metadata must contain the key `:user`, but it can be set to any value
  - `metadata_filter: [{:application, :core}, :user]` - The metadata must contain `application:
  :core` **AND** must include the key `:user`

  ## Using a proxy

  An HTTP proxy can be configured via the `:client_pool_opts` option:

      config :logger, LoggerTelegramBackend,
        # ...
        client_pool_opts: [conn_opts: [proxy: {:http, "", 8888, []}]]

  See the [Pool Configuration Options]( for further information.

  @doc """
  Adds the LoggerTelegramBackend backend.

  ## Options

    * `:flush` - when `true`, guarantees all messages currently sent
      to `Logger` are processed before the backend is added

  ## Example

      iex> LoggerTelegramBackend.attach()

  @doc since: "3.0.0"
  @spec attach(keyword) :: Supervisor.on_start_child()
  def attach(opts \\ [])

  case System.version() >= "1.15.0" do
    true -> def attach(opts), do: LoggerBackends.add(__MODULE__, opts)
    false -> def attach(opts), do: Logger.add_backend(__MODULE__, opts)

  @doc """
  Removes the LoggerTelegramBackend backend.

  ## Options

    * `:flush` - when `true`, guarantees all messages currently sent
      to `Logger` are processed before the backend is removed

  ## Example

      iex> LoggerTelegramBackend.detach()

  @doc since: "3.0.0"
  @spec detach(keyword) :: :ok | {:error, term}
  def detach(opts \\ [])

  case System.version() >= "1.15.0" do
    true -> def detach(opts), do: LoggerBackends.remove(__MODULE__, opts)
    false -> def detach(opts), do: Logger.remove_backend(__MODULE__, opts)

  @doc """
  Applies runtime configuration.

  See the module doc for more information.

  ## Example

      iex> LoggerTelegramBackend.configure(level: :error)

  @doc since: "3.0.0"
  @spec configure(keyword) :: term
  case System.version() >= "1.15.0" do
    true -> def configure(opts), do: LoggerBackends.configure(__MODULE__, opts)
    false -> def configure(opts), do: Logger.configure_backend(__MODULE__, opts)

  @behaviour :gen_event

  alias LoggerTelegramBackend.Formatter
  alias LoggerTelegramBackend.Sender

  @default_metadata [:line, :function, :module, :application, :file]

  @impl :gen_event
  def init(__MODULE__) do
    config = Application.get_env(:logger, __MODULE__, [])
    {:ok, initialize(config)}

  @impl :gen_event
  def handle_call({:configure, config}, _state) do
    config = Keyword.merge(Application.get_env(:logger, __MODULE__), config)
    :ok = Application.put_env(:logger, __MODULE__, config)
    state = initialize(config)
    {:ok, :ok, state}

  @impl :gen_event
  def handle_event({_level, gl, _event}, state) when node(gl) != node(), do: {:ok, state}

  def handle_event({level, _gl, {Logger, message, timestamp, metadata}}, state) do
    if meet_level?(level, state.level) and metadata_matches?(metadata, state.metadata_filter) do
      log_event(level, message, timestamp, metadata, state)

    {:ok, state}

  def handle_event(_event, state), do: {:ok, state}

  @impl :gen_event
  def handle_info(_message, state), do: {:ok, state}

  defp meet_level?(_lvl, nil), do: true
  defp meet_level?(:warn, min), do: meet_level?(:warning, min)
  defp meet_level?(lvl, min), do: Logger.compare_levels(lvl, min) != :lt

  defp metadata_matches?(_metadata, []), do: true

  defp metadata_matches?(metadata, [{key, value} | rest]) do
    case Keyword.fetch(metadata, key) do
      {:ok, ^value} -> metadata_matches?(metadata, rest)
      _ -> false

  defp metadata_matches?(metadata, [key | rest]) do
    Keyword.has_key?(metadata, key) and metadata_matches?(metadata, rest)

  defp initialize(config) do
      level: config[:level],
      metadata: config[:metadata] || @default_metadata,
      metadata_filter: config[:metadata_filter] || [],
      sender_opts: Keyword.take(config, [:token, :chat_id, :client_request_opts])

  defp log_event(level, message, _ts, metadata, state) do
    metadata = take_metadata(metadata, state.metadata)
    message = Formatter.format_event(message, level, metadata)

    with {:error, reason} <- Sender.send_message(message, state.sender_opts) do
      IO.warn("#{__MODULE__} failed to send message: #{inspect(reason)}")

  defp take_metadata(metadata, :all), do: metadata

  defp take_metadata(metadata, keys) do
    for key <- Enum.reverse(keys), reduce: [] do
      acc ->
        case Keyword.fetch(metadata, key) do
          {:ok, val} -> [{key, val} | acc]
          :error -> acc