# LogicMonitor

Elixir wrapper for the Logic Monitor REST API as outlined [here](

Still in development. POST has not been tested. Need remainder of resources implemented. Contributions welcome!

## Installation

LogicMonitor can be installed by adding `logic_monitor` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
  [{:logic_monitor, "~> 0.0.4"}]

## Configuration

LogicMonitor requires three application variables. Add the following variables to your config.exs file (this example retrieves those variables from environment variables):

config :logic_monitor,
  account: System.get_env("LM_ACCOUNT"),
  access_id: System.get_env("LM_ACCESS_ID"),
  access_key: System.get_env("LM_ACCESS_KEY")

The HTTPotion timeout value is configurable by the optional `timeout` application variable, which defaults to 30_000 (30 seconds) when not set:

config :logic_monitor,
  timeout: 60_000
## Usage

For each Resource, the list of allowable query parameters can be found on the LogicMonitor site [here]( or in a module resource at the top of the respective module.
### Alerts
LogicMonitor.Alerts.all(sort: "this_way", fields: "type,id")

### ApiTokens
LogicMonitor.ApiTokens.all(sort: "this_way", fields: "accessId,adminName")

### AuditLogs
LogicMonitor.AuditLogs.all(sort: "this_way", fields: "a,b,c")
LogicMonitor.AuditLogs.get("12345", fields: "a,b,c")

Raw requests to Logic Monitor for resources that are not yet implemented can be made like this:

LogicMonitor.Request.get("/alert/alerts","filter=type:serviceAlert")"/alert/alerts/1234/ack", "", "{\"ackComment\":\"hello\"}")

You will notice the optional `client \\ HTTPotion` is the final parameter for all requests. This is to facilitate passing mock clients into test cases as explained by José Valim [here](

Docs can be found at [](