# Logrex <img src="" width="40" height="40" alt=":trex:" class="emoji" title=":trex:"/>

An Elixir package for more easily adding Logger metadata and formatting the console output so it's easier for humans to parse.

It lets you write code like this:

user = "Matt"
login_count = 1 "New login", [user, login_count]

To display this:

INFO 20:56:40 New login                    user=Matt login_count=1

## Getting Started

To start using Logrex, install it via Hex.

### Installation

The latest version of Logrex is [available in Hex](
Add it to your list of dependencies in your `mix.exs` file:

def deps do
    {:logrex, "~> 0.2.0"}

### Logrex Features

There are two features in Logrex that can be used together or separately;
generation of metadata and the formatter.

#### Metadata Generation

Using metadata fields to capture metrics and other values of interest in log
output works really well, but a common pattern arises where variables names and
their corresponding keys are duplicated. Take the following example:

%{name: name, login_count: login_count} = user "User login", name: name, login_count: login_count

Logrex uses a macro to generate the keyword list passed to the Logger functions.
Both of the samples below will generate the equivalent `` call

You can use the matched variables directly:

%{name: name, login_count: login_count} = user "User login", [name, login_count]

Or you can access the map keys, which will be used for the metadata keys:

```elixir "User login", [, user.login_count]

For metadata generation, you must `use Logrex` at the top of your module, which
itself uses Logger.

> Note that Elixir syntax rules apply, if you want to mix variables and keyword
> tuples via shorthand, you have to place them inside brackets and the tuples
> have to be last. For example, this is valid:
> "msg", [a, b, c: 1]
> And these aren't:
> "msg", a, b
> "msg", [c: 1, a, b]

#### Console Formatter

By default, the Elixir Logger defines a whitelist of metadata fields and
requires that any additional fields be explicitly added. The Logrex formatter
instead allows for dynamic metadata fields and separates them from the inline
log text.

To use the Logrex console formatter, set it as the console formatter in your
logger configuration, and set it to passthrough all metadata fields.

config :logger, :console,
  format: {Logrex, :format},
  metadata: :all

That will pass log output to the formatter with its default options:

iex> require Logger
iex> "message", foo: 1, bar: 2
INFO 02:31:06 message                                      foo=1 bar=2

> Note in the example above that the formatter does not rely on using Logrex's
> metadata generation, you can use it by itself with Logger.

Additionally, Logrex has its own optional formatting configuration:

config :logrex,
  auto_inspect: true,
  metadata_format: "$module $function:$line",
  padding: 50

## Configuration Options

Config | Default | Description
-------| ------- | -----------
`auto_inspect` | true | the Logrex formatter will automatically call inspect on metadata values which are lists, maps, pids, or tuples
`metadata_format` | empty string | the format for system metadata fields, as described in the [Logger docs](; system metadata is displayed between the time and the log message
`padding` | 44 | the minimum character width of the main log message

## Documentation

Logrex documenation is published at [](

## Running the tests

$ mix test

## To do

[] Add configurable level coloring

## License

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the []( file for details

## Acknowledgments

* [Logrus](
* [Elixir Core Team](