# Loise
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*A noise library for LFE/Erlang*
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#### Contents
* [Introduction](#introduction-)
* [Dependencies](#dependencies-)
* [Building and Starting](#building-and-starting-)
* [Usage Examples](#usage-examples-)
* [Documentation](#documentation-)
* [License](#license-)
## Introduction [↟](#contents)
This is a library, written in [LFE](http://lfe.io/), useful for generating
Perlin and Simplex noise. There's more info in the docs on
[the background of both](docs/BACKGROUND.md). This LFE noise library may be
used as simply that (a library) but it also supports more: stateful management
of multiple "matrices" (renderable as images) and the navigation / examination
of that generated noise data.
## Dependencies [↟](#contents)
This project requires that you have Erlang installed (tested with R15B03, R16B03, 17.5, 18.0, and 18.3). It also assumes that you have [rebar3](https://github.com/erlang/rebar3)
installed somwhere in your ``$PATH``.
## Building and Starting [↟](#contents)
Preliminary steps:
$ rebar3 compile
$ rebar3 lfe repl
The loise library maintains state and as such must be run in order to use, even
when simply used as a library. From the REPL:
``` cl
lfe> (loise:start)
#(ok (loise))
For non-REPL use, in your project, simply add `loise` to the `applications`
``` erlang
{applications, [
## Usage Examples [↟](#contents)
The following usage example is just the merest fraction of what you can do with
loise. Be sure to see the [Documentation](#documentation-) section below for
links to usage examples for specific features.
Perlin smooth:
lfe> (set opts #m(noise perlin multiplier 1))
lfe> (loise:image "perlin-4.png" (mupd opts 'multiplier 4))
<img src="priv/images/perlin-4.png" />
Perlin graded:
lfe> (set opts `#m(noise perlin
multiplier 4
graded? true
grades-count 8))
lfe> (loise:image "perlin-8-shades.png" opts)
<img src="priv/images/perlin-8-shades.png" />
Simplex smooth:
``` cl
lfe> (set opts #m(noise simplex multiplier 4))
lfe> (loise:image "simplex-4.png" opts)
<img src="priv/images/simplex-4.png" />
Simplex graded:
lfe> (set opts (mset opts 'graded? 'true
'grades-count 5
'multiplier 4))
lfe> (loise:image "simplex-5-shades.png" opts)
<img src="priv/images/simplex-5-shades.png" />
Simplex as coloured ASCII:
lfe> (loise:format-ascii #m(color? true))
<img src="priv/images/simplex-ascii.png" />
## Documentation [↟](#contents)
* [Background Information](docs/BACKGROUND.md)
* Usage
* [In LFE Modules](docs/USAGE-MODULE.md)
* In the REPL:
* [Basic Usage](docs/USAGE-REPL-BASIC.md)
* [Perlin Noise](docs/USAGE-REPL-PERLIN.md) (more images)
* [Simplex Noise](docs/USAGE-REPL-SIMPLEX.md) (more images)
* [ASCII Renderings](docs/USAGE-REPL-ASCII.md) (more iamges)
* [Layer Management](docs/USAGE-LAYERS.md)
* [Creating Layers](docs/USAGE-LAYERS.md#create-layers)
* [Random Walks](docs/USAGE-LAYERS.md#brownian-motion--random-walk)
## License [↟](#contents)
Copyright © 2013-2021 Duncan McGreggor
Distributed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
[//]: ---Named-Links---
[org]: https://github.com/lfex
[github]: https://github.com/lfex/loise
[gitlab]: https://gitlab.com/lfex/loise
[gh-actions-badge]: https://github.com/lfex/loise/workflows/ci%2Fcd/badge.svg
[gh-actions]: https://github.com/lfex/loise/actions
[logo]: priv/images/loise.jpg
[lfe]: https://github.com/lfe/lfe
[lfe badge]: https://img.shields.io/badge/lfe-2.0-blue.svg
[erlang badge]: https://img.shields.io/badge/erlang-21%20to%2024-blue.svg
[versions]: https://github.com/lfex/loise/blob/master/.github/workflows/cicd.yml
[github tags]: https://github.com/lfex/loise/tags
[github tags badge]: https://img.shields.io/github/tag/lfex/loise.svg
[github downloads]: https://img.shields.io/github/downloads/lfex/loise/total.svg
[hex badge]: https://img.shields.io/hexpm/v/loise.svg?maxAge=2592000
[hex package]: https://hex.pm/packages/loise
[hex downloads]: https://img.shields.io/hexpm/dt/loise.svg