
defmodule Luminous.Query do
  @moduledoc """
  A query is embedded in a panel and contains a function
  which will be executed upon panel refresh to fetch the query's data.

  alias Luminous.{TimeRange, Variable}

  defmodule Attributes do
    @moduledoc """
    This struct collects all the attributes that apply to a particular Dataset.
    It is specified in the `attrs` argument of ``.
    @type t :: %__MODULE__{
            type: :line | :bar,
            order: non_neg_integer() | nil,
            fill: boolean(),
            unit: binary(),
            title: binary(),
            halign: :left | :center | :right

    @derive Jason.Encoder
    defstruct [:type, :order, :fill, :unit, :title, :halign]

    @spec define(Keyword.t()) :: t()
    def define(opts) do
        type: Keyword.get(opts, :type, :line),
        order: Keyword.get(opts, :order),
          if(Keyword.has_key?(opts, :fill),
            do: Keyword.get(opts, :fill),
            else: true
        unit: Keyword.get(opts, :unit),
        title: Keyword.get(opts, :title),
        halign: Keyword.get(opts, :halign, :left)

    @spec define() :: t()
    def define(), do: define([])

  defmodule Result do
    @moduledoc """
    A query Result wraps a columnar data frame with multiple variables.
    `attrs` is a map where keys are variable labels (as specified
    in the query's select statement) and values are keyword lists with
    visualization properties for the corresponding `DataSet`. See
    `` for details.
    @type label :: atom() | binary()
    @type value :: number() | Decimal.t() | binary() | nil
    @type point :: {label(), value()}
    @type row :: [point()] | map()
    @type t :: %__MODULE__{
            rows: row(),
            attrs: %{binary() => Attributes.t()}

    @enforce_keys [:rows, :attrs]
    @derive Jason.Encoder
    defstruct [:rows, :attrs]

    @doc """
    This function can be called in the following ways:
    - with a list of rows, i.e. a list of lists containing 2-tuples {label, value}
    - with a single row, i.e. a list of 2-tuples of the form {label, value} (e.g. in the case of single- or multi- stats)
    - with a single value (for use in a single-valued stat panel with no label)
    @spec new([row()] | row() | point() | value(), Keyword.t()) :: t()
    def new(_, opts \\ [])

    def new(rows, opts) when is_list(rows) do
        rows: rows,
        attrs: Keyword.get(opts, :attrs, %{})

    def new({_, _} = row, opts), do: new([row], opts)

    def new(value, opts) do
        rows: value,
        attrs: Keyword.get(opts, :attrs, %{})

  @doc """
  A module must implement this behaviour to be passed as an argument to `Luminous.Query.define/2`.
  A query must return a list of 2-tuples:
    - the 2-tuple's first element is the time series' label
    - the 2-tuple's second element is the label's value
  the list must contain a 2-tuple with the label `:time` and a `DateTime` value.
  @callback query(atom(), TimeRange.t(), [Variable.t()]) :: Result.t()

  @type t :: %__MODULE__{
          id: atom(),
          mod: module()

  @enforce_keys [:id, :mod]
  defstruct [:id, :mod]

  @doc """
  Initialize a query at compile time. The module must implement the `Luminous.Query` behaviour.
  @spec define(atom(), module()) :: t()
  def define(id, mod), do: %__MODULE__{id: id, mod: mod}

  @doc """
  Execute the query and return the data as multiple TimeSeries structs.
  @spec execute(t(), TimeRange.t(), [Variable.t()]) :: Result.t()
  def execute(query, time_range, variables) do
    apply(query.mod, :query, [, time_range, variables])