
defmodule Luminous.TimeRangeSelector do
  @moduledoc """
  A selector represents the widget in the dashboard that allows
  for selecting a time range/period. It is defined at compile time
  and populated at compile time (current value).
  It can also be updated with a new value.
  alias Luminous.TimeRange

  @type time_zone :: binary()

  @type preset :: binary()

  @type t :: %__MODULE__{current_time_range: nil | TimeRange.t()}

  defstruct [:current_time_range]

  @presets [
    {"Today", &, []},
    {"Yesterday", &TimeRange.yesterday/1, []},
    {"Last 7 days", &TimeRange.last_n_days/2, [7]},
    {"This week", &TimeRange.this_week/1, []},
    {"Previous week", &TimeRange.last_week/1, []},
    {"This month", &TimeRange.this_month/1, []},
    {"Previous month", &TimeRange.last_month/1, []}

  def id(), do: "time-range-selector"

  def hook(), do: "TimeRangeHook"

  @doc """
  Populate the selector's dynamic properties (e.g. current time range) at runtime.
  @spec populate(t(), time_zone()) :: t()
  def populate(selector, default_time_range) do
    Map.put(selector, :current_time_range, default_time_range)

  @doc """
  Updates the current time range of the selector.
  @spec update_current(t(), TimeRange.t()) :: t()
  def update_current(selector, time_range) do
    Map.put(selector, :current_time_range, time_range)

  @doc """
  Returns a list with the available time range presets.
  @spec presets() :: [preset()]
  def presets(), do: ["Default" |, fn {label, _, _} -> label end)]

  @doc """
  Calculates and returns the time range for the given preset in the given
  time zone.
  @spec get_time_range_for(preset(), time_zone()) :: TimeRange.t() | nil
  def get_time_range_for(preset, time_zone) do
    case Enum.find(@presets, fn {label, _, _} -> label == preset end) do
      {_, function, args} -> apply(function, List.insert_at(args, -1, time_zone))
      _ -> nil