# Lustre

A framework for building create web apps – powered by Gleam and React!


[![Package Version](](
[![Hex Docs](](

import gleam/int
import lustre
import lustre/element.{button, div, p, text}
import lustre/event.{on_click}
import lustre/cmd

pub fn main() {
  let app = lustre.application(#(0, cmd.none()), update, render)
  lustre.start(app, "#app")

pub type Action {

fn update(state, action) {
  case action {
    Incr -> #(state + 1, cmd.none())
    Decr -> #(state - 1, cmd.none())

fn render(state) {
      button([on_click(Decr)], [text("-")]),
      p([], [text(int.to_string(state))]),
      button([on_click(Incr)], [text("+")]),


❗️ This package relies on Gleam's JavaScript FFI and is intended to be run in
the browser. **It will not work if your are targetting Node.js or Erlang.**


## Installation

If available on Hex, this package can be added to your Gleam project:

gleam add lustre

and its documentation can be found at <>. You will also
need to install `react` and `react-dom` from npm:

npm i react react-dom


## Development

First, make sure you have both Gleam and Node.js installed, then:

npm i
npm start

This sets up `chokidar` to watch our gleam source code and runs the compiler
whenever we make a change. It also starts a server that will serve the examples
located in `test/example/`.