# lustre_hash_state

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`lustre_hash_state` provides `Effect`s to store a model's state in the
hash fragment:

type Model {
  Model(dict.from_list([#("example_key", "example_value")]))


When the model changes, the hash changes! When the hash changes, the model changes, too!

## Usage

gleam add lustre_hash_state

import lustre_hash_state

pub opaque type Msg {
  // ...
  // Bring your own key value Msg type
  HashChange(key: String, value: String)

fn init(_flags) -> #(Model, effect.Effect(Msg)) {
  // dispatch a HashChange Msg when the "hashchange" event is
  // dispatched from the browser
  #(Model(, lustre_hash_state.init(HashChange))

fn update(model: Model, msg: Msg) -> #(Model, effect.Effect(msg)) {
  let Model(dct) = model
  case msg {
    // update the model on hashchange events
    HashChange(key, value) -> {
      #(Model(dict.update(dct, key, fn(_x) { value })), effect.none())
    UserUpdatedMessage(key, value) -> {
        Model(dict.update(dct, key, fn(_x) { value })),
        // update the hash with the new key value pair
        lustre_hash_state.update(key, value),

fn view(model: Model) -> Element(Msg) {
  let Model(dct) = model[], [
      [element.text("Write a message:")],
        attribute.value(result.unwrap(dict.get(dct, "message"), "")),
        event.on_input(fn(value) { UserUpdatedMessage("message", value) }),

## Encoding

Need to work with data types more complex than strings? No problem!

Within lustre's init fn, decode the data:

fn init(_flags) -> #(Model, effect.Effect(Msg)) {
    lustre_hash_state.init(fn(key: String, value: String) {
      // decoded using the `from_base64` convenience method
      HashChange(key, value |> lustre_hash_state.from_base64)

Within lustre's update fn, encode the data:

UserUpdatedMessage(key, value) -> {
    lustre_hash_state.update(key, value |> lustre_hash_state.to_base64),

Further documentation can be found at <>.

## Development

gleam run   # Run the project
gleam test  # Run the tests