# lustre_websocket
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Use websockets from your `lustre` application!
## Quick start
Add to your Gleam project:
gleam add lustre_websocket
Typical usage looks like
import lustre_websocket as ws
pub type Msg {
fn init {
#(Model(None), ws.init("/path", WsWrapper))
and then you pass `init` as first argument to `lustre.application`.
But you can create a socket at any time, esp. re-create it after it is closed by the server.
The events can be handled like this:
update(model, msg) {
case msg {
WsWrapper(OnOpen(socket)) -> #(Model(..model, ws: Some(socket)), ws.send(socket, "client-init"))
WsWrapper(OnMessage(msg)) -> todo
WsWrapper(OnClose(reason)) -> #(Model(..model, ws: None), effect.none())
which also demonstrates how you send a text message over the socket.
### Caveat
*This package cannot handle more than 1 socket on a server endpoint*
### TODO:
* support protocol choice, including one websocket per protocol per endpoint
* support binary data
* allow client to close the socket
* provide errors to the application, when I have a clue on what those might actually be
* prevent sending over closed sockets
* maybe auto-reopen sockets that were closed because of Normal