# lutil
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*Utility functions for LFE*
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##### Contents
* [Introduction](#introduction-)
* [Dependencies](#dependencies-)
* [Installation](#installation-)
* [Usage](#usage-)
* [Modules](#modules-)
* [Macros](#macros-)
* [License](#license-)
## Introduction [↟](#contents)
lutil offers several modules and macros with convenience functions that can
be easily incorporated into projects without having to re-implement these
little functions all the time.
Utility modules include:
* `lutil-file`
* `lutil-math`
* `lutil-text`
* `lutil-type`
* `lutil`
lutil also explores new LFE functions and macros that may be of interest to
LFE-proper; if they fare well here, we will submit proposals for inclusion.
Macros include:
* `compose.lfe`
* `core.lfe`
* `mnesia-macros.lfe`
* `predicates.lfe`
## Dependencies [↟](#contents)
As of version 0.7.0, this project assumes that you have
[rebar3](https://github.com/rebar/rebar3) installed somewhere in your `$PATH`.
It no longer uses the old version of rebar. If you do not wish to use rebar3,
you may use the most recent rebar2-compatible release of lutil: 0.6.7.
## Installation [↟](#contents)
In your `rebar.config` file, update your `deps` section to include
{deps, [
{lutil, "0.13.2"}}}
## Usage [↟](#contents)
### Modules [↟](#contents)
For the modules, usage is the same as any other Erlang or LFE library :-)
> (lutil-math:dot-product '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6))
> (lutil-type:add-tuples (tuple 1 2) (tuple 3 4))
#(1 2 3 4)
> (lutil-type:add-tuples (list (tuple 1 2) (tuple 3 4) (tuple 5 6)))
#(1 2 3 4 5 6)
> (lutil:uuid4 (tuple 'type "list"))
> (lutil:uuid4 (tuple 'type "atom"))
> (lutil:uuid4 (tuple 'type "binary"))
#B(51 49 53 56 102 52 53 54 45 50 51 55 56 45 52 51 56 54 45 50 57 56 ...)
> (lutil:uuid4)
#B(99 101 102 102 54 53 97 50 45 48 57 55 49 45 52 50 49 49 45 50 52 ...)
### Macros [↟](#contents)
lutil offers the `create-table` macro for use with more easily working
generating Mnesia tables. Example usage is available [here](https://github.com/oubiwann/mnesia-tutorial/blob/master/src/structure.lfe).
If you are looking for the Clojure macros which used to be in lutil, they have
an interesting history: they were first moved to their own project, and then
added to the [LFE stdlib][clj docs]!
## License [↟](#contents)
BSD 3-Clause License
Copyright © 2013-2023, Duncan McGreggor <oubiwann@gmail.com>
Copyright © 2016, Eric Bailey <eric@ericb.me>
Copyright © 2015, arpunk <arpunk@cryptolab.net>
osense <krupicka.adam@gmail.com>
Copyright © 2014, Torbjorn Tornkvist <kruskakli@gmail.com>
Døkkarr Hirðisson <dokkarr@lfe.io>
Dreki Þórgísl <dreki@billo.systems>\
Copyright © 2009, Tim Dysinger <tim@dysinger.net>
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[logo]: priv/images/lutil-x250.png
[logo-large]: priv/images/lutil-x700.png
[gh-actions-badge]: https://github.com/lfex/lutil/workflows/ci%2Fcd/badge.svg
[gh-actions]: https://github.com/lfex/lutil/actions
[lfe]: https://github.com/lfe/lfe
[lfe badge]: https://img.shields.io/badge/lfe-2.1-blue.svg
[erlang badge]: https://img.shields.io/badge/erlang-20%20to%2025-blue.svg
[versions]: https://github.com/lfex/lutil/blob/master/.travis.yml
[github tags]: https://github.com/lfex/lutil/tags
[github tags badge]: https://img.shields.io/github/tag/lfex/lutil.svg
[clj docs]: https://github.com/rvirding/lfe/blob/develop/doc/lfe_clj.txt