# lxml
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*An LFE XML parser / wrapper for erlsom*
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##### Table of Contents
* [About](#about-)
* [Setup](#setup-)
* [Usage](#usage-)
## About [↟](#table-of-contents)
lxml<sup>[1](#footnote1)</sup> is a wrapper for the Erlang community
[erlsom](https://github.com/willemdj/erlsom) library, providing the following
additional features:
1. Lispy naming conventions via [LFE][lfe], and
2. Utility functions for easily accessing parsed XML data
(e.g., `map`, `get-in`, `get-linked`, &c.).
Both of these are discussed more in the lxml docs (see below for the link).
## Setup [↟](#table-of-contents)
Just add it to your ``rebar.config`` deps:
{deps, [
{lxml, "0.4.2"}
And then do the usual:
rebar3 compile
## Usage [↟](#table-of-contents)
Usage information is provided in the documentation:
* [User Guide](http://lfex.github.io/lxml/current/user-guide)
### Footnotes
<a name="footnote1">1</a>: Known in some circles as the notorious Professor El Xavier Emile (A.K.A "El X. Emile"). Possible arch-enemy of [Lucha Libre LFE](https://twitter.com/elluchadorlfe).
[//]: ---Named-Links---
[gh-actions-badge]: https://github.com/lfex/lxml/workflows/ci%2Fcd/badge.svg
[gh-actions]: https://github.com/lfex/lxml/actions
[logo]: priv/images/professor-xavier-emile.png
[lfe]: https://github.com/lfe/lfe
[lfe badge]: https://img.shields.io/badge/lfe-2.1-blue.svg
[erlang badge]: https://img.shields.io/badge/erlang-20%20to%2025-blue.svg
[versions]: https://github.com/lfex/lxml/blob/master/.github/workflows/cicd.yml
[github tags]: https://github.com/lfex/lxml/tags
[github tags badge]: https://img.shields.io/github/tag/lfex/lxml.svg