# Magellan-Microservice

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This is a simple Microservice written in Elixir.
The Magellan-Microservice provides a basic app-status and health page.
It also provides the possibility to plug in a custom router.

## Installation

Add the following line to your mix.exs deps:
{:magellan_microservice, git: "", branch: :master, app: false}

## Example

To start the Microserice, start it as a supervisor next to your app.
def init([]) do
  children = [
    supervisor(MagellanMicroservice.Core, []),
    supervisor(Example.Core, [])
  supervise(children, strategy: :one_for_one)

To use your custom plug-router, register it at start-up time.

The following configuration has to be provided.
config :magellan_microservice,
  status: "/status",
  health: "/health",
  port: 8080