# Magik

Magik brings magics to your project that helps to make your life easier

[Document here](

## Here are some magics in the `Magik` toolbox

### 1. `Magik.Paginator`
Help you to query by page and size with support for both counting and no counting total page (simple load more function)

### 2. `Magik.JsonView`
Render json with custom field and relationship that helps you to reuse view and build consistent json structure

### 3. `Magik.ExcelView`
Help you to render excel data with format supported

### 4. `Magik.EctoEnum`
Build enum module faster, shorter and can use directly in schema definition

### 5. `Magik.PowerUpRepo`
Add some handy method to your Repo module that make your Repo module more powerful