# Mail [![Build Status](](

An RFC2822 implementation in Elixir, built for composability.

**[Mail is built and maintained by DockYard, contact us for expert Elixir and Phoenix consulting](**.

## Installation

def deps do
  # Get from hex
  [{:mail, "~> 0.2"}]
  # Or use the latest from master
  [{:mail, github: "DockYard/elixir-mail"}]

## Building

You can quickly build an RFC2822 spec compliant message.

#### Single-Part

message =
  |> Mail.put_text("A great message")
  |> Mail.put_to("")
  |> Mail.put_from("")
  |> Mail.put_subject("Open me")

#### Multi-Part

message = 
  |> Mail.put_text("Hello there!")
  |> Mail.put_html("<h1>Hello there!</h1>")
  |> Mail.put_attachment("path/to/")
  |> Mail.put_attachment({"", file_data})

## Rendering

After you have built your message you can render it:

rendered_message = Mail.Renderers.RFC2822.render(message)

## Parsing

If you'd like to parse an already rendered message back into 
a data model:


[There are more functions described in the docs](

## Authors ##

* [Brian Cardarella](

[We are very thankful for the many contributors](

## Versioning ##

This library follows [Semantic Versioning](

## Looking for help with your Elixir project? ##

[At DockYard we are ready to help you build your next Elixir project]( We have a unique expertise 
in Elixir and Phoenix development that is unmatched. [Get in touch!](

At DockYard we love Elixir! You can [read our Elixir blog posts](
or come visit us at [The Boston Elixir Meetup]( that we organize.

## Want to help? ##

Please do! We are always looking to improve this library. Please see our
[Contribution Guidelines](
on how to properly submit issues and pull requests.

## Legal ##

[DockYard](, Inc. &copy; 2015


[Licensed under the MIT license](