# MailInABox

## Description

Mail In A Box is a simple wrapper for

## Installation

Install it by adding `mail_in_a_box` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:mail_in_a_box, "~> 0.1.9"}

## Configuration:

Add your mailbox information in your config file



config :mail_in_a_box, MIAB.Admin,
  admin_user: "",
  admin_pass: "39uq8k7SW8",
  endpoint: "",
  domain: ""

config :mail_in_a_box, MIAB.IMAP,
  account: "",
  password: "14de0ea2-6187",
  use_ssl: false,
  incoming_mail_server: "",
  incoming_port: 993

config :mail_in_a_box, MIAB.Sender,
  adapter: Swoosh.Adapters.SMTP,
  relay: "",
  username: "",
  password: "bbe8-33690cfbfeff",
  ssl: false,
  tls: :always,
  auth: :always,
  port: 587,
  no_mx_lookups: false,
  retries: 2

config :mail_in_a_box, MIAB.Send,
  ## Sender information
  email: "",
  from: "Iranian English Learning Platform",
  org: "Iranian English Learning Mock Tests Center",
  org_email: "",
  org_webiste: "",
  # user email will be appended to unsub url
  unsub_url: "",
  signature: "\nRegards,\nYour English Learning Platform Team."


## Usage


MIAB.Send.welcome(%{name: "your name", email: ""})


## Testing

I tested the project with `100%` coverage. Please you `mix test --trace` to
see if everything is OK. Bugs reports are welcome.

## Author

Farsheed Ashouri

## License