
defmodule MailParser do
  @moduledoc """
  NIF binding of mail_parser using Rustler.

  mix_config = Mix.Project.config()
  version = mix_config[:version]
  github_url = mix_config[:package][:links]["GitHub"]

  use RustlerPrecompiled,
    otp_app: :mail_parser,
    crate: :mail_parser_nif,
    mode: if(Mix.env() in [:prod, :bench], do: :release, else: :debug),
    base_url: "#{github_url}/releases/download/v#{version}",
    force_build: System.get_env("FORCE_BUILD") in ["1", "true"],
    version: version

  alias __MODULE__.Attachment

  @doc """
  Parses a string containing a RFC5322 raw message and extracts all nested

  A best-effort is made to parse the message and if no headers are found
  `:error` is returned.

  ### Example

      iex> MailParser.extract_nested_attachments(raw_message)
      {:ok, [%MailParser.Attachment{name: "example.pdf", content_type: "application/pdf", content_bytes: "..."}]}

  @spec extract_nested_attachments(String.t()) :: {:ok, [Attachment.t()]} | :error
  def extract_nested_attachments(_raw_message), do: :erlang.nif_error(:nif_not_loaded)