mailibex [](
Library containing Email related implementations in Elixir : dkim, spf, dmark, mimemail, smtp
## MimeMail ##
%MimeMail{headers: [{key::atom, {:raw,binary} | MimeMail.Header.t}], body: binary | [MimeMail.t] | {:raw,binary}}
# headers contains a keywordlist of either the raw form of the header,
# or an encodable version of the header (a term with a module implementing MimeMail.Header.to_ascii)
# body contains either the raw binary body, the decoded body as a binary (using content-transfer-encoding),
# or a list of MimeMail struct to encode in case of a multipart
# If body is a text, then the decoded body binary will be the UTF8 version of the text converted from the source charset
- `MimeMail.from_string` parse the mimemail binary into a `MimeMail` struct explained above, with all the headers and body in their encoded form (`{:raw,binary}`)
- `MimeMail.encode_headers(mail)` apply the `MimeMail.Header.to_ascii` to every header to convert them into a `{:raw,binary}` form.
- `MimeMail.decode_headers(mail,[Mod1,Mod2])` applies successively `Mod1.decode_headers(mail)` the `Mod2.decode_headers(mail)` to the result.
- `MimeMail.encode_body(mail)` encodes the mail body from a decoded form (`binary | [MimeMail]`) into a `{:raw,binary}`form
- `MimeMail.decode_body(mail)` does the opposite.
- `MimeMail.to_string(mail)` encode headers and body of a `MimeMail` into an ascii mail binary.
Currently, the library contains three types of acceptable header value (implementing `MimeMail.Header`) :
- `binary` : simple binary headers are utf8 strings converted into encoded words
- `{value,%{}=params}` are only acceptable tuple as header, converted into a 'content-*' style header ( `value; param1=value1, param2=value2`)
- `[%MimeMail.Address{name="toto", address: ""}]` : lists are encoded into mailbox list header
- `%DKIM{}` : Converted into a dkim header
So for instance :
%MimeMail{headers: [
to: [%MimeMail.Address{name: "You",address: ""}],
from: [%MimeMail.Address{name: "Me",address: ""}],
cc: "", # only ascii so ok to encode it as a simple encoded word
'content-type': {'text/plain',%{charset: "utf8"}},
body: "Hello world"}
|> MimeMail.to_string
## FlatMail ##
Flat mail representation of MimeMail is simply a `KeywordList` where
all the keys `[:txt,:html,:attach,:attach_in,:include]` are used to construct the body tree of
alternative/mixed/related multiparts in the `body` field of the
`MimeMail` struct, and the rest of the `KeywordList` became the
`header` field.
MimeMail.Flat.to_mail(from: "", txt: "Hello world", attach: "attached plain text", attach:!("attachedfile"))
|> MimeMail.to_string
Need more explanations here...
## MimeTypes ##
`ext2mime` and `mime2ext` are functions generated at compilation time from the apache mime configuration file .
"image/png" = MimeTypes.ext2mime(".png")
".png" = MimeTypes.mime2ext("image/png")
`bin2ext` matches the begining of the binary and sometimes decode the binary in order to determine the file extension (then we can use `ext2mime`to find the mime type if needed.
".webm" = MimeTypes.bin2ext(!("path/to/my/webm/file.webm"))
## DKIM ##
[rsaentry] = :public_key.pem_decode(!("test/mails/key.pem"))
mail = MimeMail.from_string(data)
mail = DKIM.sign(mail,:public_key.pem_entry_decode(rsaentry), d: "", s: "cobrason")
case DKIM.check(mail) do
:none ->IO.puts("no dkim signature")
{:pass,{key,org}} ->IO.puts("the mail is signed by #{key} at #{org}")
:tempfail -> IO.puts("the dns record is unavailable, try later")
{:permfail,msg}->IO.puts("the sender is not authorized because #{msg}")
Need more explanations here...
## DMARC ##
Organizational Domain implementation using public suffix database :
"" = DMARK.organization ""
## SPF ##
Full implementation of the Sender Policy Framework (
case SPF.check("",{1,2,3,4}, helo: "", server_domain: "") do
:none ->IO.puts("no SPF information")
:neutral ->IO.puts("nor authorized neither not authorized")
:pass ->IO.puts("the sender is authorized")
{:fail,msg}->IO.puts("the sender is not authorized because #{msg}")
:softfail ->IO.puts("not authorized but don't be rude")
:temperror ->IO.puts("temporary error, try again latter")
:permerror ->IO.puts("spf error, ask to remote admin")
## Current Status
- DKIM is fully implemented (signature/check), missing DKIM-Quoted-Printable token management
- mimemail encoding/decoding of headers and body are fully implemented
- flat mime body representation for easy mail creation / modification
- DMARC implementation of organizational domains
- SPF is fully implemented
## TODO :
- DMARC report
- smtp client implementation
- smtp server implementation over Ranch
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