# NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech).
# https://openapi-generator.tech
# Do not edit the class manually.
defmodule MailSlurpAPI.Model.PageWebhookProjection do
@moduledoc """
Paginated webhook entity. Page index starts at zero. Projection results may omit larger entity fields. For fetching a full entity use the projection ID with individual method calls.
@derive [Poison.Encoder]
defstruct [
@type t :: %__MODULE__{
:"content" => [WebhookProjection] | nil,
:"pageable" => PageableObject | nil,
:"total" => integer() | nil,
:"totalElements" => integer() | nil,
:"totalPages" => integer() | nil,
:"last" => boolean() | nil,
:"size" => integer() | nil,
:"number" => integer() | nil,
:"sort" => Sort | nil,
:"numberOfElements" => integer() | nil,
:"first" => boolean() | nil,
:"empty" => boolean() | nil
defimpl Poison.Decoder, for: MailSlurpAPI.Model.PageWebhookProjection do
import MailSlurpAPI.Deserializer
def decode(value, options) do
|> deserialize(:"content", :list, MailSlurpAPI.Model.WebhookProjection, options)
|> deserialize(:"pageable", :struct, MailSlurpAPI.Model.PageableObject, options)
|> deserialize(:"sort", :struct, MailSlurpAPI.Model.Sort, options)