# NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech).
# https://openapi-generator.tech
# Do not edit the class manually.
defmodule MailSlurpAPI.Model.WebhookDeliveryStatusPayload do
@moduledoc """
DELIVERY_STATUS webhook payload. Sent to your webhook url endpoint via HTTP POST when an email delivery status is created. This could be a successful delivery or a delivery failure.
@derive [Poison.Encoder]
defstruct [
@type t :: %__MODULE__{
:"messageId" => String.t,
:"webhookId" => String.t,
:"eventName" => String.t,
:"webhookName" => String.t | nil,
:"id" => String.t,
:"userId" => String.t,
:"sentId" => String.t | nil,
:"remoteMtaIp" => String.t | nil,
:"inboxId" => String.t | nil,
:"reportingMta" => String.t | nil,
:"recipients" => [String.t] | nil,
:"smtpResponse" => String.t | nil,
:"smtpStatusCode" => integer() | nil,
:"processingTimeMillis" => integer() | nil,
:"received" => DateTime.t | nil,
:"subject" => String.t | nil
defimpl Poison.Decoder, for: MailSlurpAPI.Model.WebhookDeliveryStatusPayload do
def decode(value, _options) do