# Mailtrap

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Mailtrap API client
Bamboo adapters for Mailtrap Sandbox and Mailtrap Sending APIs

## Installation

def deps do
    {:mailtrap, "~> 0.1.0"}

## Configuration

For direct usage of API

    config :mailtrap,
      api_token: "PASTE TOKEN HERE"

For Mailtrap Sandbox Bamboo adapter

    config :test_mailtrap, TestMailtrap.Mailer,
      adapter: Bamboo.MailtrapSandboxAdapter,
      api_token: "PASTE TOKEN HERE",
      inbox_id: 111 # replace with your inbox id

For Mailtrap Sending Bamboo adapter

    config :test_mailtrap, TestMailtrap.Mailer,
      adapter: Bamboo.MailtrapSendingAdapter,
      api_token: "PASTE TOKEN HERE"

## Usage

Sending to Mailtrap Sandbox API

    client = Mailtrap.Sandbox.client("PASTE TOKEN HERE")
    email = (%Mailtrap.Email{}
      |> Mailtrap.Email.put_from({"From name", ""})
      |> Mailtrap.Email.put_to({"Recepient", ""})
      |> Mailtrap.Email.put_subject("Hi there")
      |> Mailtrap.Email.put_text("General Kenobi"))
    Mailtrap.Sandbox.send(client, email, 111) # replace 111 with your inbox id

Sending via Mailtrap Sending API

    client = Mailtrap.Sending.client("PASTE TOKEN HERE")
    email = (%Mailtrap.Email{}
      |> Mailtrap.Email.put_from({"From name", ""})
      |> Mailtrap.Email.put_to({"Recepient", ""})
      |> Mailtrap.Email.put_subject("Hi there")
      |> Mailtrap.Email.put_text("General Kenobi"))
    Mailtrap.Sending.send(client, email)

### Bamboo adapter

    # mailer module
    defmodule TestMailtrap.Mailer do
      use Bamboo.Mailer, otp_app: :test_mailtrap

    # generate email
    def welcome_email(subject \\ "Hi there", friendly_name \\ "Recepient", to \\ "") do
        to: {friendly_name, to},
        from: {"From", ""},
        subject: subject,
        html_body: "<strong>Thanks for joining!</strong>",
        text_body: "Thanks for joining!"

    # send
    welcome_email() |> TestMailtrap.Mailer.deliver_now()

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