# MakeupElixir

**TODO: Add description**

## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `makeup_elixir` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:makeup_elixir, "~> 0.8.0"}

Documentation can be generated with [ExDoc](
and published on [HexDocs]( Once published, the docs can
be found at [](

## Benchmarks

### Schism: "inline vs no inline"

Should we inline parsec or not?
Currently this can be done using a config option.
By default, parsers are not inlined because inlining doubles compilation time.

* Lexing speed:
  [with inlined parsecs](assets/benchmarks/inline_vs_no_inline-lexing-speed_with_inline.html);
  [without inlined parsecs](assets/benchmarks/inline_vs_no_inline-lexing-speed_without_inline.html).
  Very weird performance characteristics.
  Faster on average but extremely high latency in the worst case.

* Compilation speed:
  [with inlined parsecs](assets/benchmarks/inline_vs_no_inline-compilation-speed_with_inline.html);
  [without inlined parsecs](assets/benchmarks/inline_vs_no_inline-compilation-speed_without_inline.html).
  As expected, compiling the inlined parsecs is much slower (about 2x slower)

### Schism: "map lookup vs pattern matching"

Postprocessing the token lists using map lookup VS pattern matching

* Lexing speed:
  [map lookup](assets/benchmarks/map_lookup_vs_pattern_matching-lexing-speed_map_lookup.html);
  [pattern matching](assets/benchmarks/map_lookup_vs_pattern_matching-lexing-speed_pattern_matching.html).
  Very weird performance characteristics.
  Faster on average but extremely high latency in the worst case.

* Compilation speed:
  [map lookup](assets/benchmarks/map_lookup_vs_pattern_matching-compilation-speed_map_lookup.html);
  [pattern matching](assets/benchmarks/map_lookup_vs_pattern_matching-compilation-speed_pattern_matching.html).

### Schism: "parse delimiter pairs"

This lexer used to use a very expensive operation to match some delimiters,
which seemed to have supralinear complexity.
Now, only a couple delimiters are parsed like this.

* [Benchmark](assets/benchmarks/delimited_pairs-complexity.html)