## Readme

A Makeup lexer for CSS

## Installation

The package can be installed by adding `makeup` and `makeup_ts` in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:makeup, "x.y.z"},
    {:makeup_ts, "x.y.z"}

Documentation can be found at

## Changes

Refer to the [Changelog](

## Quickstart

Adding the library will make the lexer application for CSS start automatically. At that point, you can call 

const foo: Foo = 'bar'

const square =<T extends number>(param: T): T => param * param 

/* etc. */

To get the stylesheet, just 

Makeup.stylesheet(style) # by default, the StyleMap.default style is used.

Basically, use makeup as normal, but you can pass in CSS now.

It works in hexdocs to: 

const foo: Foo = 'bar'

const square =<T extends number>(param: T): T => param * param 

/* etc. */

### Usage with NimblePublisher

If you have a NimblePublisher-powered blog, you just have to tweak your markdown parsing settings:

use NimblePublisher
  build: MyApp.Blog.Post,
  from: Application.app_dir(:my_app, "priv/blog/**/*.md"),
  as: :posts,
  # ts and css added
  highlighters: [:makeup_elixir, :makeup_ts, :makeup_css]

Now, any code block declared as containing CSS should be highlighted.

## Current state

This is very much a work-in-progress, but it higlights your CSS in a useful way. It may or may not support SCSS in the future.

Contributions are welcome.