# Makina Library
Makina is a testing library that provides a DSL (*domain specific
language*) for writing PBT (*property-based testing models*) *models*
for *stateful* systems.
**Note:** the word *model* is used in PBT to refer to
*properties* to be checked on the system under test.
Makina has been designed to address principles of *modularity* and
*model reuse*. Similar to other PBT libraries, Makina uses the Elixir
metaprogramming facilities to generate a model in your favourite PBT
library (like [`PropCheck`](https://github.com/alfert/propcheck.git) or [`eqc_ex`](https://github.com/Quviq/eqc_ex)).
## Using Makina
- Add Makina to your dependencies in `mix.exs`
def deps do
{:makina, "~> 0.2.2"}
- Configure your preferred PBT compatible library (e.g. `PropCheck`) in your testing environment config file `config/test.exs`:
config :makina, checker: PropCheck
## Write your model
To write your tests you will need to write a model. Let's assume you
need to test a *counter system*, i.e. a module `Counter` with
functions `put`, `ìnc` and `get`. A *model* of such of a system is:
defmodule Counter.Model do
use Makina, implemented_by: Counter
state value: 0 :: integer
invariants greater_than_0: value >= 0
command inc :: :ok | :error do
next value: value + 1
command put(n :: integer) :: :ok | :error do
args n: integer(0, :inf)
next value: n
command get() :: integer do
post result == value
## Write the test
The *boilerplate* to write the *property* is like this:
defmodule MakinaExamplesTest do
use PropCheck
use ExUnit.Case, async: true
describe "Counter" do
property "Correctness" do
forall cmds <- commands(Counter.Model.Behaviour) do
{:ok, _pid} = Counter.start_link(0)
r = {_, _, result} = run_commands(model, cmds)
(result == :ok)
|> when_fail(print_report(r, cmds))
|> aggregate(command_names(cmds))