# Mandrag

Deploy Elixir releases to [Kubernetes]( via [Distilerry]( and [Helm](

## Requirements
Mandrag expects that you have docker, kubectl and helm binaries installed and configured.  It also expects to you have a helm chart in the `chart` directory.

## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `mandrag` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:mandrag, "~> 0.6.0"}

## Configure

Mandrag doesn't require configuation, it'll introspect the parent mix config to derive configuration, and use it's own built-in [Dockerfile](tk), but you can override those values as seen below.

config :mandrag,
  # The name of the app and release. Defaults to the :app key in the parent mix project.
  app: :app_name,
  # The docker repo to push to. Defaults to `docker/app_name`.
  docker_repo: docker/another_name,
  # The path to the Dockerfile to be used.  Defaults to the Dockerfile inside this package.
  dockerfile_path: Dockerfile,
  # A map of values that are translated to `--build-arg` arguments.
  docker_build_args: %{key: "value"}

- Add default Helm chart for zero conifg standup.  (or mabye just create a [draft]( pack?)

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