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Bulk rekey your maps. Simple shit bud. (☞゚ ヮ ゚)☞

- [Why did I do this?](#why-did-i-do-this)
- [TL;DR; Syntax](#tl-dr--syntax)
* [Getting started](#getting-started)
	- [1. Add as a dependency](#1-add-as-a-dependency)
	- [2. Download](#2-download)
	- [3 (Optionally). Want to see inside MapRewire?](#3--optionally--want-to-see-inside-maprewire-)
	- [4. Run!](#4-run-)
* [Usage](#usage)
	- [Running in iex](#running-in-iex)
		+ [Inline example using a list transformation](#inline-example-using-a-list-transformation)
		+ [Inline example using a string transformation](#inline-example-using-a-string-transformation)
		+ [Mixed example with a string transformation](#mixed-example-with-a-string-transformation)
		+ [Dynamic example with a string transformation](#dynamic-example-with-a-string-transformation)
		+ [Dynamic example with a list transformation](#dynamic-example-with-a-list-transformation)
	- [Running as part of a module](#running-as-part-of-a-module)

* [Contributors](#contributors)

### Why did I do this?

Simply because I am _super lazy_, and writing out functions to take maps and convert them to different keys was boring (and irritating) the shit out of me.

Stop writing `defp from_x_to_y(data), do: %{ "another_id" => data["id"], "name" => data["title"] }`.

### TL;DR; Syntax

1.  Macro: `content<~>transformation`, content is your data, transformation is your rules.
2.  Content: Any map. BYOD.
3.  Transformation: `from=>to`. Left is the original key, right is the new key.

## Getting started

### 1. Add as a dependency

def deps do
    {:map_rewire, "~> 0.2.0"}

### 2. Download

$ mix deps.get

### 3 (Optionally). Want to see inside MapRewire?

Add to config.exs

config :map_rewire,
  debug?: true

### 4. Run!

$ iex -S mix

## Usage

### Running in iex

#### Inline example using a list transformation

 iex(1)> use MapRewire
 iex(2)> %{"id"=>"234923409", "title"=>"asdf"}<~>["title=>name", "id=>shopify_id"]
   %{"id" => "234923409", "title" => "asdf"},
   %{"shopify_id" => "234923409", "name" => "asdf"}

#### Inline example using a string transformation

 iex(1)> use MapRewire
 iex(2)> %{"id"=>"234923409", "title"=>"asdf"}<~>"title=>name id=>shopify_id"
	 %{"id" => "234923409", "title" => "asdf"},
   %{"shopify_id" => "234923409", "name" => "asdf"}

#### Mixed example with a string transformation

 iex(1)> use MapRewire
 iex(2)> content = %{
 iex(3)> content<~>"title=>name id=>shopify_id body_html=>desc no_match=>wow_much_field"
   %{"id" => "234923409", "title" => "asdf", "body_html" => "asdf"},
   %{"shopify_id" => "234923409", "name" => "asdf", "desc" => "asdf"}

#### Dynamic example with a string transformation

 iex(1)> use MapRewire
 iex(2)> content = %{
 iex(3)> transformation = "title=>name id=>shopify_id body_html=>desc no_match=>wow_much_field"
 iex(4)> content<~>transformation
   %{"id" => "234923409", "name" => "title", "body_html" => "asdf"},
   %{"shopify_id" => "234923409", "name" => "asdf", "desc" => "asdf"}

#### Dynamic example with a list transformation

 iex(1)> use MapRewire
 iex(2)> content = %{
 iex(3)> transformation = ["title=>name", "id=>shopify_id", "body_html=>desc"]
 iex(4)> content<~>transformation
   %{"id" => "234923409", "name" => "asdf", "body_html" => "asdf"},
	 %{"shopify_id" => "234923409", "name" => "asdf", "desc" => "asdf"}

### Running as part of a module

**Example 1:**

defmodule Foo do
  use MapRewire

  @becomes [

  def bar do
    |> final

  defp fake_factory do
      "id" => "234923409",
      "title" => "asdf",
      "body_html" => "asdfasdf"

  def final(data) do

Calling `` will result in the output:

   %{"id" => "234923409", "title" => "asdf", "body_html" => "asdfasdf"},
   %{"shopify_id" => "234923409", "name" => "asdf", "description" => "asdfasdf"}

**Example 2:**

defmodule Foo do
  use MapRewire

  @becomes "age=>years_old languages=>technologies_known name=>this"

  def bar do
    |> final

  defp fake_factory do
      "age"=> 31,
      "languages"=> ["Erlang", "Ruby", "Elixir"],
      "name"=> "John"

  def final(data) do

Calling `` will result in the output:

   %{"age" => 31, "languages" => ["Erlang", "Ruby", "Elixir"], "name" => "John"},
   %{"years_old" => 31, "technologies_known" => ["Erlang", "Ruby", "Elixir"], "this" => "John"}

## Contributors

| [![byjord](]( | [![halostatue](]( |
| :-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | :-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: |
|                                [byjord](                                |                               [halostatue](                               |