# MapSchema

It´s a Simple, Agile, Map schema in Elixir **with types check** , with **integer and float number autocasting** of string to number and include **json encoding** using the popular Jason library. 

## Installation

def deps do
    {:map_schema, "~> 0.1.0"}

## Usage

The map_schema will include in the module multiple methods
with documentation even with some doctest examples... ;) 
then it´s simple create your schema, add ex_doc in mix, and use ``mix docs`` and your team will can see all methods that your module will have thanks the "witchcraft" of elixir macros, all ready to use it.

defmodule MapSchema.Examples.Person do
  @moduledoc false
  use MapSchema,
    schema: %{
        "name" => :string,
        "surname" => :string,
        "country" => :string,
        "age" => :integer,
        "contact" => %{
          "email" => :string,
          "phone" => :string,
          "others" => :any


### Basics functions
| Method | Description |
| :---: | :---: |
| new         | Constructor         |
| schema      | Return the Schema    |
| is_valid?(map) | Is valid the map? |

### Gets and Puts functions
  test "Example get and put usage" do
    person =
      |> Person.put_name("Leo")
      |> Person.put_surname("Messi")
      |> Person.put_country("Argentina")
      |> Person.put_age(33)

    assert Person.get_name(person) == "Leo"
    assert Person.get_surname(person) == "Messi"
    assert Person.get_country(person) == "Argentina"
    assert Person.get_age(person) == 33

| Gets | Puts |
| :--- | :--- |
| get_name(map)      | put_name(map,value)  |   
| get_surname(map)      | put_surname(map,value)  |
| get_country(map)      | put_country(map,value)  |
| get_age(map)      | put_age(map,value)  |
| get_contact_email(map)      | put_contact_email(map,value)  |
| get_contact_phone(map)      | put_contact_phone(map,value)  |
| get_contact_others(map)      | put_contact_others(map,value)  |

### General Put

  test "Example general put function" do
    person = # %{}
    person = Person.put(person, %{
      "contact" => %{"email" => "" },
      "country" => "Spain"
    }) # %{"country" => "Spain","contact" => %{"email" => ""}}

    assert Person.get_contact_email(person) == ""
    assert Person.get_country(person) == "Spain"

### Mutation functions

  test "Example mutation of age" do
    person = # %{}
    |> Person.put_age(29) # %{"age" => 29}
    |> Person.mut_age(&(&1 + 1)) # %{"age" => 30}

    assert Person.get_age(person) == 30

| Method | Description |
| :--- | :---: |
| mut_name(map,fn_mut) | Change the value of name using fn_mut |
| mut_surname(map,fn_mut) | Change the value of surname using fn_mut |
| mut_country(map,fn_mut) | Change the value of country using fn_mut |
| mut_age(map,fn_mut) | Change the value of age using fn_mut |
| mut_contact_email(map,fn_mut) | Change the value using fn_mut |
| mut_contact_phone(map,fn_mut) | Change the value using fn_mut |
| mut_contact_others(map,fn_mut) | Change the value using fn_mut |


  test "Example of json encoding" do
    person =
    person = Person.put(person, %{
      "contact" => %{"email" => "" },
      "age" => 45

    json = Person.json_encode(person)
    json_expected ="{\"age\":45,\"contact\":{\"email\":\"\"}}"
    assert json == json_expected

    person_json = Person.json_decode(json)

    assert Person.get_contact_email(person_json) == ""
    assert Person.get_age(person_json) == 45

| Method | Description |
| :--- | :---: |
| json_encode(map) | Map to Json |
| json_encode(json) | Json to Map (Check typing, and cast) |
| json_encode(mapa, json) | Json to Existing Map (Checking typing, and cast) |

### Table of Types

**:string_to_integer** and **:string_to_float** make **implicit the cast of string to number** then automatic and simple you will have your information in the right format and type following the schema define. ;)

| Type | Use Guard |
| :---: | :---: |
| :integer         | :is_integer         |
| :float      | :is_float             |
| :string_to_integer         | :is_integer         |
| :string_to_float      | :is_float             |
| :string | :is_bitstring |
| :bool | :is_boolean |
| :boolean | :is_boolean |
| :map | :is_map |
| :list | :is_list |
| :any | NONE |
| in othercase | NONE |

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