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# mapi
Turn your Elixir module into an HTTP microservice API

Very much a work in progress.

## Installation

  1. Add `mapi` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

  def deps do
      {:mapi, "~> 0.1.0"}

  2. Configure your endpoints in `config.exs`

  config :mapi, endpoints: [
    {YourModule, [port: 4002]}

## Usage

  Set up an example server for the `String` module.
  # config.exs
  config :mapi, endpoints: [
    {String, [port: 4002]}

  Once configured, call your server as if you were calling the function.
  $ curl localhost:4002/upcase?q1="testing"

  URL params are applied to the function in alphabetical order without respect
  to the parameter names themselves. Use parameter names such as `q1, q2, ...`.
  Parameter values are strings, so your module will need to cast accordingly.
  Currently only `GET` requests are supported.

  Your module's function must return a response that is [Poison]( encodable.
  All responses are JSON with a `200` status unless a function is not defined,
  in which case it will return `404` with a `{"error": "not_found"}` body.

## Roadmap TODO

  * Configurable support for HTTP methods other than `GET`
  * Body parameter decoding (for non-GET requests)
  * Configurable endpoint webserver
  * Configurable response type (Plaintext, XML, ETF, etc.)
  * Support for nested paths, custom routing, etc