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# mapi
Turn your Elixir module into an HTTP microservice API
Very much a work in progress.
## Installation
1. Add `mapi` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:mapi, "~> 0.2.0"}
2. Configure your endpoints in `config.exs`
config :mapi, endpoints: [
{YourModule, [port: 4002]}
## Usage
Set up an example server for the `String` module with JSON responses.
# config.exs
config :mapi, endpoints: [
{String, [port: 4002, type: :json]}
Once configured, call your server as if you were calling the function.
$ curl localhost:4002/upcase?q1="testing"
URL params are applied to the function in alphabetical order without respect
to the parameter names themselves. Use parameter names such as `q1, q2, ...`.
Parameters are strings, but will be cast to integers, atoms, and booleans if
applicable. All other types are not yet supported.
Currently only `GET` requests are supported.
## Responses
Mapi currently supports the following response types:
* Plaintext
* Erlang ETF
Configure them with a `:type` option of either `:text`, `:json`, or `:etf`,
respectively. If not specified, Mapi will default to plaintext.
All valid requests give a response of `200` status. Invalid paths will
return `404`. Valid paths with an incorrect number of parameters will return
`400`, and all other errors will return `500`.
## Roadmap TODO
* Configurable support for HTTP methods other than `GET`
* Body parameter decoding (for non-GET requests)
* Configurable endpoint webserver
* Support for nested paths, custom routing, etc