<h1 align="center">mapz</h1>

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  <a href="">Function Reference</a>

`mapz` contains additions to the Erlang maps module, mostly functionality to nested map usage. It tries to stay as true as possible to the original `maps` API with the same or similar errors where applicable.

## Features

### Deep Access

#### Getting & Setting

1> Map = #{a => #{big => #{nested => #{map => with},some => values},
..         in => it,like => "hello"}}.
#{a =>
      #{big => #{nested => #{map => with},some => values},
        in => it,like => "hello"}}
2> mapz:deep_get([a, big, nested, map], Map).
3> mapz:deep_search([a, big, nested, list], Map).
{error,[a,big,nested],#{map => with}}
4> mapz:deep_remove([a, like], Map).
#{a =>
      #{big => #{nested => #{map => with},some => values},
        in => it}}

#### Merging

5> NewMap = mapz:deep_merge(Map, #{a => #{big => #{nested => #{list => [1,2,3]}}}}).
#{a =>
      #{big =>
            #{nested => #{list => [1,2,3],map => with},some => values},
        in => it,like => "hello"}}
6> mapz:deep_search([a, big, nested, list], NewMap).

#### Inverse

1> mapz:inverse(#{a => 1, b => 2, c => 3}).
#{1 => a,2 => b,3 => c}