# Markit
Access stock market data from [Markit.com](http://www.markit.com)
## Installation
1. Add markit to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
[{:markit, "~> 0.0.1"}]
2. Ensure markit is started before your application:
def application do
[applications: [:markit]]
## Usage
iex> Markit.lookup("NFLX")
[%Markit.Company{exchange: "NASDAQ", name: "Netflix Inc", symbol: "NFLX"}]
iex> Markit.quote("AAPL")
%Markit.Quote{change: 0.840000000000003, change_percent: 0.833746898263031, change_percent_ytd: -3.48660459813795, change_ytd: 105.26, high: 101.7, last_price: 101.59, low: 100.45, market_cap: 563274186970, ms_date: 42432.4447800926, name: "Apple Inc", open: 100.55, symbol: "AAPL", timestamp: "Thu Mar 3 10:40:29 UTC-05:00 2016", volume: 880987}