# Markov
Text generation library based on second-order Markov chains

## Demo
$ iex -S mix
Erlang/OTP 22 [erts-10.4.4] [source] [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [ds:4:4:10] [async-threads:1] [hipe]

Compiling 2 files (.ex)
Generated markov app
Interactive Elixir (1.12.2) - press Ctrl+C to exit (type h() ENTER for help)
iex(1)> Markov.Demo.generate_shakespeare
Since that my two ears
thee, hind!
deliver you.
Pleaseth you walk in to see their gossiping?
For, ere the weary sun set in my shape.
In Ephesus I am advised what I think.
Give her this key, and tell her, in the teeth?
A back-friend, a shoulder-clapper, one that
Neither: he took this place for sanctuary,
...... (100 lines in total)

## Usage
In `mix.exs`:
defp deps do
  [{:markov, "~> 0.1"}]

## API

### `train/2`
Trains the chain using provided text.

chain = %Markov{}
    |> Markov.train("hello, world!")
    |> Markov.train("example string number two")
    |> Markov.train("hello, Elixir!")
    |> Markov.train("fourth string")

### `generate_text/3`
Generates text using the chain, prepends a specified string and assumes a specific starting state.
The last two arguments are optional.

iex> %Markov{} |>
...> Markov.train("hello, world!") |>
...> Markov.generate_text()
"hello, world!"

iex> %Markov{} |>
...> Markov.train("hello, world!") |>
...> Markov.generate_text("", [:start, "hello,"])

### `next_state/3`
Predicts the next state from two last states.

iex> %Markov{} |>
...> Markov.train("1 2 3 4 5") |>
...> Markov.next_state(["2", "3"])

iex> %Markov{} |>
...> Markov.train("1 2") |>
...> Markov.next_state([:start, :start])

### `forget_token/2`
Removes a token from the chain.

iex> %Markov{} |>
...> Markov.train("a b c") |>
...> Markov.forget_token("b") |>
...> Markov.generate_text()

### Sanitization mode
Ignores leading and trailing non-word characters, as well as the case, in textual tokens.

iex> chain = %Markov{sanitize_tokens: true} |>
...> Markov.train("hello, Elixir world") |>
...> Markov.train("hello Markov chains")
iex> chain |> Markov.generate_text()
"hello, Markov chains"
iex> chain |> Markov.generate_text()
"hello Elixir world"
iex> chain |> Markov.generate_text()

### `enable_token_sanitization/1`
Enables token sanitization on a chain. This mode can't be disabled once it has been enabled.