# Maru Params
> A rebuild version of maru params parser which support phoenix framework.

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## Installation

def deps do
    {:maru_params, "~> 0.2"},

    # Optional dependency, you can also add your own json_library dependency
    # and config with `config :maru_params, json_library, YOUR_JSON_LIBRARY`.
    {:jason, "~> 1.3"},

    # Optional dependency to support `ecto_enum` validator for atom
    {:ecto, "~> 3.0"},

    # Optional dependency to support `Plug.File` type
    {:plug, "~> 1.12"},

    # Optional dependency to support `Decimal` float
    {:decimal, "~> 2.0"},


## Usage for Phoenix Controller

defmodule MyApp.MyController do
  use MyApp, :controller
  use Maru.Params.PhoenixController

  params :index do
    optional :id, String, regex: ~r/\d{7,10}/
    optional :name, String

  def index(conn, params) do
    # the params here is parsed result

## Buildin Types

### Atom

requires :category, Atom
requires :role, Atom, values: [:role1, :role2], default: :role1
optional :fruit, Atom, ecto_enum: {User, :fruit}

### Base64

requires :data, Base64, options: [padding: false]
requires :data, Base64, options: [padding: false]

### Boolean

optional :save_card, Boolean

### DateTime

requires :created, DateTime, format: {:unix, :second}
optional :created, DateTime, format: :unix, naive: true
optional :updated, DateTime, format: :iso8601, truncate: :second

### Float

optional :pi, Float
optional :pi, Float, style: :decimals

### Integer

optional :age, Integer

### Json
only available when json_library defined and loaded.

requires :tags, Json |> String
requires :tags, Json |> List[Integer], max_length: 3
requires :data, Json |> Map, json_library_options: [strings: :copy] do
  optional :nested, String

### List

requires :str, List, string_strategy: :codepoints
requires :chars, List, string_strategy: :charlist
requires :wrap, List, string_strategy: :wrap
requires :tags, List[String], default: ["N/A"]
requires :tags, List[String], max_length: 3
requires :tags, List[String], min_length: 1
requires :tags, List[String], length_range: 1..3

### Map

requires :data, Map

### String

config :maru_params, :regex_aliases, [
  uuid:  ~r/^[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[1-5][0-9a-f]{3}-[89AB][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}$/

optional :code, String, style: :upcase
optional :code, String, style: :downcase
optional :code, String, style: :camelcase, trim: " "
optional :code, String, style: :snakecase
optional :id, String, regex: ~r/^\d{7,10}$/
optional :uuid, String, regex: :uuid
optional :fruit, String, values: ["apple", "peach"]

## Pipeline Types

requires :data, Base64
%{"data" => "MTE="} -> %{data: "11"}

requires :data, Base64 |> Integer
%{"data" => "MTE="} -> %{data: 11}

requires :data, Json
%{"data" => ~s|["1", "2", "3"]|} -> %{data: ["1", "2", "3"]}

requires :data, Json |> List[Integer]
%{"data" => ~s|["1", "2", "3"]|} -> %{data: [1, 2, 3]}

requires :data, Base64 |> List[Integer]
%{"data" => "WyIxIiwgIjIiLCAiMyJd"} -> %{data: [1, 2, 3]}

requires :data, List[Base64 |> Integer]
%{"data" => ["MTE=", "MTE="]} -> %{data: [11, 11]}

## Nested Types

requires :data, Map do
  optional :id, Integer
  optional :name, String

%{"data" => %{"id" => "1", "name" => "X"}} -> %{data: %{id: 1, name: "X"}}

requires :data, List do
  optional :id, Integer
  optional :name, String

%{"data" => [%{"id" => "1", "name" => "X"}]} -> %{data: [%{id: 1, name: "X"}]}

## Default Values and Blank Values

optional :a, String
%{} -> %{}
%{"a" => nil} -> %{}
%{"a" => ""} -> %{}

optional :a, String, keep_blank: true
%{"a" => nil} -> %{a: nil}
%{"a" => ""} -> %{a: ""}

optional :a, String, default: "test"
%{} -> %{a: "test"}

optional :a, String, keep_blank: true, default: "test"
%{"a" => nil} -> %{a: nil}
%{"a" => ""} -> %{a: ""}

requires :a, String
%{} -> # raise exception
%{"a" => nil} -> # raise exception
%{"a" => ""} -> # raise exception

requires :a, String, keep_blank: true
%{"a" => nil} -> %{a: nil}
%{"a" => ""} -> %{a: ""}

requires :a, String, default: "test"
%{} -> %{a: "test"}
%{"a" => nil} -> %{a: "test"}
%{"a" => ""} -> %{a: "test"}

requires :a, String, keep_blank: true, default: "test"
%{"a" => nil} -> %{a: nil}
%{"a" => ""} -> %{a: ""}

## Rename

optional :a, String, source: :b

%{"b" => "1"} -> %{a: "1"}

## Evaluate Given

### only check params when another parameter is given

optional :existed, Boolean

given :existed do
  requires :meta do
    requires :a, String
    requires :b, String
    requires :c, String

### only check params when other params have specific values

optional :a, String
optional :b, String

given a: "A", b: "B" do
  requires :c, Integer

given a: "AA", b: "BB" do
  requires :c, String

### only check params when the particular condition is met

requires :age, Integer

given fn %{age: age} -> age < 18 end do
  requires :id, String