# MatchEngine

A query language for filtering and scoring of documents, inspired by
the MongoDB query language and Solr.

The query language consists of nested Elixir "keyword list". Each component of the query consists of a *key* part and a *value* part. The key part is either a logic operator (and/or/not), or a reference to a field, the value part is either a plain value, or a value operator.

When a query is run against a document, where each term is scored
individually and then summed. (This implies "or").

Example queries

[title: "hoi"]
[title: [_eq: "hoi"]]
[_and: [name: "Arjan", age: 36]]
[_or: [name: "Arjan", age: 36]]
[_not: [title: "foo"]]

Performing matches in nested objects is also possible; the query simply follows the shape of the data:

[user: [name: "Arjan"]]
[_not: [user: [name: "Arjan"]]]

> Note that this is a different approach for nesting fields than MongoDB has.

## Query execution

The queries can be run by calling `MatchEngine.score_all/2` or `MatchEngine.filter_all/2`.

Queries are first preprocessed, and then executed on a list of search
"documents". A "document" is just a normal Elixir map, with string

The preprocessing phase compiles any regexes, checks whether all
operators exist, and de-nests nested field structures.

The query phase runs the preprocessed query for each document in the
list, by calculating the score for the given document, given the
query. This score, including any additional metadata, is returned in a
`_match` map inside the document.

## Value operators

*Value operators* work on an individual field. Various operators can
be used to calculate a score for a given field.

### `_eq`

Scores on the equality of the argument.

    [title: "hello"]
    [title: [_eq: "hello"]]

Can also be used when the input document contains a list of values for the given field.

### `_in`

Scores when the document's value is a member of the given list.

    [role: [_in: ["developer", "freelancer"]]]

### `_nin`

Scores when the document's value is *not* a member of the given list.

    [role: [_nin: ["recruiter"]]]

### `_sim`

Normalized string similarity. The max of the Normalised Levenshtein
distance and Jaro distance.

### `_regex`

Match a regular expression. The input is a string, which gets compiled
into a regex. This operator scores on the length of match divided by
the total string length. It is possible to add named captures to the
regex, which then get added to the `_match` metadata map, as seen in the following exapmle:

    # regex matches entire string, 100% score
    assert %{score: 1} == score([title: [_regex: "foo"]], %{"title" => "foo"})
    # regex matches with a capture called 'name'. It is boosted by weight.
    assert %{:score => 1.6, "name" => "food"} == score([title: [_regex: "(?P<name>foo[dl])", w: 4]], %{"title" => "foodtrucks"})

The regex match can also be inversed, where the document value is
treated as the regular expression, and the query input is treated as
the string to be matched. (No captures are supported in this case).

    assert %{score: 0.5} == score([title: [_regex: "foobar", inverse: true]], %{"title" => "foo"})

### `_geo`

Calculate document score based on its geographical distance to a given
point. The geo distance (both in the operator and in the document) can
be given as:

 - A regular list, e.g. `[4.56, 52.33]`
 - A keyword list, e.g. `[lat: 52.33, lon: 4.56]`
 - A map with atom keys, e.g. `%{lat: 52.33, lon: 4.56}`
 - A map with string keys, e.g. `%{"lat" => 52.33, "lon" => 4.56}`

The calculated `distance` is returned in meters, as part of the `_match` map.

An extra argument, `max_distance` can be given to the operator which
specifies the maximum cutoff point. It defaults to 100km. (100_000).
Distance is scored logarithmically with respect to the maximum

    doc = %{"location" => %{"lat" => 52.340500999999996, "lon" => 4.8832816}}
    q = [location: [_geo: [lat: 52.340500999999996, lon: 4.8832816]]]
    assert %{score: 1, distance: 0.0} == score(q, doc)

### `_time`

Score by an UTC timestamp, relative to the given time.

    t1 = "2018-02-19T15:29:53.672235Z"
    t2 = "2018-02-19T15:09:53.672235Z"
    assert %{score: s} = score([inserted_at: [_time: t1]], %{"inserted_at" => t2})

This way, documents can be returned in order of recency.

## Logic operators

###  `_and`

Combine matchers, multiplying the score. When one of the matchers
returns 0, the total score is 0 as well.

### `_or`

Combine matchers, adding the scores.

### `_not`

Reverse the score of the nested matchers. (when score > 0, return 0, otherwise, return 1.

### Matcher weights

`w: 10` can be added to a matcher term to boost its score by the given weight.

`b: true` can be added to force a score of 1 when the score is > 0.

## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `match_engine` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:match_engine, "~> 0.1.0"}

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and published on [HexDocs]( Once published, the docs can
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