![MaxElixirPokeAPI Logo](img/logoFull.png)
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  <img src="" alt=" Version">
  <img src="" alt="Documentation">

MaxElixirPokeApi is a Elixir wrapper with auto caching for [PokeAPI](

All API references explicit in [PokeAPI Doc](

To see all documentation access [](

## Installation

As of v0.16.0, MaxElixirPokeAPI is available on [Hex]( You can install the package via:

def deps do
  {:max_elixir_poke_api, "~> 1.0.0"}

## Usage

To use the resources just call `MaxElixirPokeApi.<resource_name>(id_or_name)`.


To list resources use `MaxElixirPokeApi.resource(resource_aton, limit, page)`.

MaxElixirPokeApi.resource(:berry, 5, 5)

If you want to create your own logic for calling resources use `MaxElixirPokeApi.Request.get(resource, id_or_name)`.

MaxElixirPokeApi.Request.get("berry", 1)

Special thanks to [Tito]( who made the logo!