# MaxoAdapt
`MaxoAdapt` is a fork from https://github.com/IanLuites/adapter with updates / fixes.
Fast adapters with clear syntax and build-in safety.
## Why use MaxoAdapt?
- Fast _(as fast as hardcoded `defdelegate`s)_
- Easy _(define a behaviour and it takes care of everything else)_
- Safe _(will error if the implementation does not match the behaviour)_
- Clean _(clearly separated marked behaviour/delegate versus functions)_
- Flexible _(change implementation/adapter at runtime)_
In addition to these basic qualities it is:
- Compatible and tested with releases (`distillery`, `mix release`)
- Documentation compatible _(each stub copies the documentation of the `@callback`)_
- Spec / Dialyzer _(each stub has a spec matching the `@callback`)_
- IDE (intelligent code completion / intellisense) compatible [stubs]
## Usage
def deps do
{:maxo_adapt, "~> 0.1"}
defmodule SessionRepo do
use MaxoAdapt
# Define the adapter behaviour
behaviour do
@doc ~S"""
Lookup a sessions based on token.
@callback get(token :: binary) :: {:ok, Session.t | nil} | {:error, atom}
# Add module functions outside the behaviour definition
# These can use the behaviour's callbacks like they exist as functions.
@spec get!(binary) :: Session.t | nil | no_return
def get!(token) do
case get(token) do
{:ok, result} -> result
{:error, reason} -> raise "SessionRepo: #{reason}"
# PostgreSQL implementation
defmodule SessionRepo.PostgreSQL do
@behaviour SessionRepo
@impl SessionRepo
def get(token), do: ...
# Redis implementation
defmodule SessionRepo.Redis do
@behaviour SessionRepo
@impl SessionRepo
def get(token), do: ...
# Now configure
# Runtime switching possible
## Guides
- [Intro](https://github.com/maxohq/maxo_adapt/tree/main/guides/intro.md)
- [Configuration](https://github.com/maxohq/maxo_adapt/tree/main/guides/configuration.md)
- [Debugging](https://github.com/maxohq/maxo_adapt/tree/main/guides/debugging.md)
The docs can be found at <https://hexdocs.pm/maxo_adapt>.